The Grandparents

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Richmond , Virginia lay behind them as they drove in a rented car to reach Grove Hill where her Grandparents still lived .

Grandparents who didn't know that she existed . Her mother left for England without telling them about Gaia's father Sirius Black . Nor did she let them know about Gaia's birth .

It was going to be a little bit of shock for them, Gaia supposed .

She looked through the window of the car feeling more free than she had in that house back in Forks , Washington.

Edward seemed more happier as well . It was confirmed that it had been a mistake on their  part to go to his family first .

" Do you think they'll​ search for us ?... Your family , I mean ", she asked hesitantly , knowing that it might cause his mood to sour .

Edward gripped the steering wheel tightly, his eyes narrowing  . " I hope not . They disappointed me with their attitudes towards you when  they believed Alice's​ lies . I don't want them near me or you and Orion . "

She nodded . She understood clearly what he meant. He wanted to protect her and their son and that meant staying away from his family.

She placed her hand on his thigh , patting it lightly . " I wish things didn't go that way . It hurt me to know that your family had wronged you like this . Anyway, do you mind if I close my eyes for a little bit?. I feel a little tired ".

He smiled . " Yeah, sleep ,Gaia Love. I can drive without getting tired . We'll get to our destination in no time at all . I'll wake you when Orion needs to be fed ".

She only smiled at that, closing her eyes .

Edward looked at her briefly  , his smile getting wider .

But then his mood sobered.  His family would be looking for him and they'd try to remove Gaia from his life . They might let Rosalie keep Orion, though. It was an unsettling thought .

It would come to blows between them . Something he didn't want , but might not be able to avoid.

He didn't want to choose between them . He wanted Gaia and them . They were making it difficult for him.

He hated Bella and Alice for doing this . Oh , he knew that Bella was also the one who came up with the idea of him being under a love spell . Alice had thought of it without wanting to and she didn't know that Edward had read her mind then .

He pursed his lips .

Alice had always been his favourite , but not anymore . No one was his favourite now .
Only his wife and child counted for him  . 

He looked into the rearview mirror at the sleeping baby in his car seat .

His bronze hair looked slightly damp from the heat that sleep sometimes brought . His little chubby cheeks were flushed also .

" Cute as a button ," he said softly , lovingly," My sweet little baby boy . What's life going to bring us next ,huh?."

The baby didn't answer . He was just an innocent sleeping child with no care in the world.

Caring was for the grown ups in his life . Not for him .

Edward let out a deep sigh and focused on the road again . His thoughts vanished as his eyes stared ahead , concentrating on getting him and his little family safely in that small town that might bring more troubles than what's worth .
The house her grandparents lived in wasn't all that big .

It was a small two story house  that looked like those she'd seen in the movies before. Nothing out of the ordinary.

She decided to go up to front door by herself for this first meeting . Then if things went well , she'd introduce Edward and Orion.

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