Stalker Much?

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" Are you sure that my dress is alright for the restaurant ? ", Gaia asked Edward as she stood before him in a very light baby yellow cocktail dress . Edward had gotten a call from an old friend of  his . Said friend wanted to meet Gaia.
She agreed to meet him .

Edward looked at his wife smiling softly . He really liked the dress , but she was insecure and that made him feel sort of sad .

" You're perfect ," he complimented sincerely .

She rewarded him with a smile and a quick kiss causing him to smile more widely .

" Okay then , let's get our coats and get going ".

She nodded , picking up her purse and walking to the coat closet in their front parlour to get her coat .

He helped  her into it and she helped him into hers .

" I hope Sheila would be taking good care of our Orion ," she said as they left the house ," I set up wards just in case someone tries something . I'm sure that I didn't imagine Emmet spying on us yesterday when we visited the Grill."

Edward didn't comment on that as he opened the passenger side door of their car for her .

He had his suspicions also . He had seen a glimpse of Rosalie in a grocery store of all places .

He hadn't told Gaia because his wife was over protective of him and their son.

" Will they ever leave us alone?", she asked quietly as they  backed out of the driveway .

" Honestly?. I don't think they will. We were a family once . It's going to take time for them to accept that we're not anymore . "

His honest words made her feel guilty because she blamed herself for the Cullens breaking up .

" It isn't your fault. We've been drifting apart since Bella came into our lives. It was just a matter of time  ," Edward assured her .

She realized that she hadn't blocked her thoughts from him and felt kinda sheepish for that mistake .

However, she didn't say anything about it . She understood clearly that her husband couldn't control the way he read minds .

She would have to reinstall her Occlumency shields.

A hand touched hers that lay in her lap and she looked to see him side eye her .

" Hold my hand , Gaia Love," he said softly ," You may squeeze as hard as you like . "

She huffed out a breath , but did as he asked . She only didn't squeeze his hand . She just held it loosely.

" Watch the road ," she ordered gently ," Don't want us crashing ."

He snorted . " That'll be the day . I know that you've charmed our car to never crash ."

She only smiled at that . He wasn't lying . She'd asked a techno mage to help her . Costed her a pretty Galleon , but Merlin only knows,  her husband and child's safety are worth more than this world to her .

She can't let anything happen to them . They are her world for Godric's sake !.

She smiled , lifting his hand to kiss his knuckles .

" I love you ," she whispered.

He smiled lovingly . " As I love you ,My Sweet Gaia Love," he whispered back.
" Are you sure that they'll be here , Emmet?. I only see Daniel Barnes . "

Rosalie and Emmet we're sitting in an exclusive restaurant in a bigger town not far from Mystic Falls .

Rosalie was angry at Edward and Gaia for being the cause of breaking up her family . She was especially angry at Gaia and she also yearned for Orion .

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