The Family Again

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Gaia hated the fact that she had to go to Richmond with Edward. 

She hated the fact that she had to take their son near his so called family.

In order to keep Orion safe from them , she did a spell that kept him hidden as she carried him in his kangaroo carrier .

She also made sure that if someone tried taking him , they'd burn .

She wasn't taking any chances with this people who had tried and failed to break her and Edward up .

Edward seemed nervous as they walked into the house that his family was using for the duration of their stay .

He'd voiced his concern about his family trying something .

She had spelled his watch as a portkey for him so that if things went South he'd only have to say a certain password and he would be whisked away . She herself could then Apparate .

It was a simple solution. But wether it'll be needed was to be seen . Also , there is the protective barrier spell she'd cast over both of them that basically did the same as the spell over Orion.

Carlisle had opened the door when they'd rung the bell.

He'd been happy to see Edward , but not her . His eyes had searched them both , obviously looking for Orion.

He didn't address her once  . But he'd spoken to Edward , asking how he is and everything. He actually acted as if she was just a speck of dust on the wall .

It infuriated her . But she held her cool . She didn't want him to know how she felt about that .

At least he couldn't see Orion and he obviously couldn't hear Orion's heart beat . She'd charmed a pendant that basically did what the silencing  spell Mafiliato did.

They were lead to a living room and Gaia sighed mentally  when she saw Bella Swan sitting on a sofa beside Rosalie .

No surprise there at all.

" Where's Orion ?!", Rosalie immediately demanded when they all realized that only Edward and Gaia had come .

" Safe ," Edward said ," If you lose the attitude , I might show him to you . Anyway , state your business . Gaia and I have an appointment elsewhere ."

Rosalie snarled in anger . She wanted Orion  . " You can't keep him from me . He's mine !".

" Excuse you ?. Did I hear you claim my baby as yours ?. Unfortunately , he isn't yours . I gave birth to him . You're braincells aren't fried ,yes ?. So you can understand that , that makes me his mother ". Her voice was calm as she said that .

" Shut up , dirty little  Witch!", Rosalie yelled out angrily  .

" I am a Witch , You blonde twat . Don't you forget it now ", Gaia snarked .

Rosalie let out a more infuriated snarl and before Gaia could say Merlin , she was there trying to strangle Gaia , but unfortunately got herself burnt.

She screamed in pain and everyone around her stared at her in alarm .

" What did you do? !", Bella shouted at Gaia .

Gaia ignored her . She wasn't going to talk to the girl who was the reason Edward  Cullen was sometimes cold .

Instead she looked at the Vampires in the room.
" We have come in peace and good faith that you wouldn't do anything  wrong to us . But Rosalie's actions actually showed us that you cannot be reasoned with . As Edward said , state your business . Or we'll leave and you won't ever find us again ."

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