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It wasn't difficult for Edward to start dating Gaia after their third date .

It seemed easier than it had been with Bella .

It was easier too when she found out what he is . And she showed more fear than Bella had ,but didn't run away screaming like someone normal would . Though, he had to admit , Gaia wasn't exactly normal either .

He learnt a little bit more about her as they started dating. She was a half-blood witch who's  father's family had never had a Muggle in their lineage .

She was a daughter of a Black and and an American Muggle-Born witch  who'd fought on the Light side in the first Wizarding War .
And she was a War Hero of the second Wizarding War .

Her mother had been a distant  cousin of Neville Longbottom's father Frank.

She'd been a Flemming who attended Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ,which is located in Massachusetts .

Gaia could've gone there if her name wasn't on the Hogwarts list since birth .

Her mother's only family still lived , supposedly , in Virginia State , but she wasn't sure about it .

She knew only so much about her father's side of the family because her Dad had been alive until she was fourteen .

Her mother's family she'd  done a little research about ,which wasn't much.

It wasn't hard for Edward to be happy with her . Even if his heart still ached for Bella .

He'd began to forgive her , yet he didn't want to go back to Forks just yet .
So he stayed and soon enough he asked Gaia an important question that she didn't say no to .

He asked her to marry him and they began to make plans for their wedding.

He called Carlisle to tell him about it and Carlisle promised not to tell anyone yet, but he asked to be invited to the wedding day . Edward decided that he'd like that  very much .

He'd missed his family and having Carlisle ,and potentially Esme, there would be like getting an early Christmas.

Gaia had ,of course, had to speak with Mr Weasley and Mrs Weasley about her intended marriage and got the go ahead after they met Edward first .

There was only one person who wasn't happy about it and he was the man who broke Gaia's heart .

Harry Potter who chose Ginny Weasley ,but didn't want Gaia to get married . Not that it was his decision to make,but he didn't keep his opinion to himself , which brought on an argument that could've been avoided .

" You're not my father ," Gaia had said to the man ," You can't decide what's​ best for me. I'm sorry ,but I'm going to marry Edward and you can't stop me ."

Harry had stormed off and in the end nobody had tried to dissuade Gaia from her decision .

Now here he was waiting on Carlisle and whoever else was coming at Heathrow airport hoping and wishing that Alice wouldn't be coming too.

The plane was a bit late , but some planes were never exactly on time .

He sighed , rubbing his face  in frustration. He hated waiting sometimes. It's boring and ever since he started work at The Leaky Cauldron , he's been busy a lot.

He looked down at his watch.

Ten minutes late .

He shook his head and hoped some more about the Alice issue.
" Rose?", Edward questioned in confusion ," You came ? . And Esme?."

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