08 - IT'S YOU

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Everyone was caught up in their own worlds. Mr. General and Mama Sebastian were busy with their son's wedding preparation next week.

The old man who used to discipline ample number of squads for a variety of missions on his own, was now taking almost an hour just to decide if the napkins should be baby pink or coral pink. Decisions... Decisions.

"Honey, for the love of God please PICK one already!" Mrs. Sebastian yelled at her husband, scaring the shit out of him. She was trying her best to calm herself down.

Damian always felt that his Dad missed out on so many of his 'firsts' since his childhood. He did feel bad about it sometimes, but he also knew his duty will always be his first priority. And he was proud of his Dad for that.

That's why the groom and bride asked Papa Sebastian to be the one to make every big or small decision regarding the big day. His Dad cried that night, realizing he's son was all grown up now.

While the older couple quarreled over the flowers now, the soon to be a Sebastian smiled fondly at them. She shifted ger gaze to her fiance, their hands holding each other. "I want what they have."

Damian took the chance and stole a kiss from her cheek, "Sure, I'll be more than happy to have four beautiful kids with you my dear Isabelle". The younger woman widened her eyes in surprise, her cheeks on fire.

"I. Didn't. Mean. That." She said each word while smacking the man in between. He was laughing so hard, he crouched down on the ground.

"You meant this? See it's not hard." Damian said smiling widely, while sitting on the grass. Patting the space beside him. Isabelle sat down, her head resting on his shoulders.

"I know how you feel about Mom and Dad. They'll give you all the love in the world you deserve. They love you more than me you know." He said looking at parents from the distance.

Isabelle Hayes, engaged to her high school boyfriend, is one of the best lawyers of the state. Back in time, when they were in their senior year, she used to save Damian from getting bullied because of his tall figure.

He never fought back, he didn't have to. Because his girl would whip their ass with her smartness, every single time.

She was there for his every match, his first trial when the team from NBA wanted to scout him, his first official match, his first victory. She never left his side. Because she didn't have anyone else beside him.

She is an orphan. She never felt the warmth of a mother's hug or the excitement of a father's piggy back ride. She never got to be pranked by a brother or fight  over her clothes with a sister. Until she met them. The Sebastians.

The first time Damian introduced Isabelle to his family, they never gave her the pitiful stare. Instead they took her in, opening up their hearts to the girl. They adored her.

She realized what she missed all these years. And thus, Damian and Isabelle decided to live with them, together. The family was more than happy.

"I don't know how to thank you for all the things you've given me." Isabelle said softly, holding onto his arm a bit tighter.

"Hey you're the one I'm grateful for here. If you didn't stand up for me I wouldn't have survived my school. If you weren't there with me, I wouldn't have realized my potential. If you weren't there at all of my important matches, I wouldn't have the confidence to win any of it. You are my lucky charm." The man said with all his sincerity, kissing her head.

"Someday I wanna have a beautiful daughter like our lil' Ava." Isabelle said, lightening up the mood. "I think we can both agree on that." Damian said, making them chuckle.

"But I want a nephew too so we can each have one to spoil, I don't wanna share the tiny hooman with this dumbass." Ethan said while resting his head on Isabelle's lap, joining them at the backyard.

"Don't wrinkle her pretty dress with that nasty gelled hair of yours, you uncultured swine." Joe commented, making him roll out from his earlier position.

"And yes, I will completely take the responsibility to love the heck out of your lil' girl, just like I've done with our baby sister." He finished, pecking the side of Isabelle's head.

"You son of a gun, come 'ere!" Ethan said while running after his twin. The two not so grown up adults were now chasing each other, showering each other with some wide range colourful words.

"As long as we have them, I don't think we need kids in the house." Isabelle said laughing at chaotic but sweet family. Her family.

If you've been suffering for a long time now, then smile a little. Because it means, your problems are coming to an end.

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