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The silence before the storm in the California University refers to the chaotic annual fest week. It's always scheduled a month before the first year exams. It's like the whole campus were saying them 'laugh a little now, cry a bit more later'.

To say it's just for a week would be the biggest lie of the year. Well still smaller than Ethan's! Preparations starts weeks ago for the real fun.

Each day of the fest consisted of different activities, including literature, arts, music and even sports. It was the students way of destressing themselves. And almost everybody participates in one or the other pursuit.

Studies? Yeah... We don't do that here... Just kidding, they'll be back to their crazy selves after this last straw of happiness.

First day of the week, was canvas painting. Even some Professors were happily stroking their brushes against the blank white board provided.

The students weren't any less. Some of their works had the spectators rolling on the ground, while some left their jaws dropped.

Asher filled in the former category, while Ava was in the latter. There was definitely no in between. But one thing was common. Their exhilarating smiles.

The same evening was the night of stand up comedy and proses. Many students who were thought to be unknown to the idea of human interactions, spoke their minds out that day. It felt nice to hear the other side of the stories too.

The second day happened to be a dance battle. The usual plain t shirts and long skirts were replaced by some of the weirdest outfits their classmates had ever imagined them with.

Soon enough the Hall became some kind of illegal dance off zone. The students of each batch were now hyping up their fellas, it didn't matter if they knew each other or not. It was actually what made them come closer to the people they never thought could be fun too.

"Dude! Their moves are sick. Even looking at them is hurting my back. I can't even think of trying it. But they look so cool." Nathan cried breathlessly to his crew.

Eleanor just laughed at his rant while Scarlett shook her head chuckling a bit.

Asher patted his back, wondering the same thing. "I used to do that, when I was younger. I could do the flips back then." Ava said smiling at their dancing pals.

The faces were turned to her now.

"What are you, a secret ninja? How many skills are you hiding in that tiny body?" Nathan asked bewildered.

"Bro, I told you she's not human. Once I saw her talking to herself and I was sitting right next to her. I'm telling you she's an alien." Asher said filling Nathan in with his findings.

Both ended up being smacked behind their head by Scarlett. Ava laughed at their silly remarks. "Wanna see?" She asked winking slyly at her friends.

They were a little away from the battle. Ava took a few steps back from the crowd and started running towards them. Just inches away from her clan, she did 360 degree flip mid air, their faces were worth recording.

"Oh my God that was so cool! Although you scared the shit out of me. I can't believe we're friends." Nathan squealed.

"And I thought I knew you." Asher said with slow claps.

The girls whistled and proudly cheered for their little one. The group left chatting animatedly, having the best time of their lives.

The next day was planned to be musical thriller with a variety of performances. But it also had a surprise for the final year students, prepared by their beloved juniors. They made a video with clips of their journey from the beginning, their first year.

II AFFABLE FREAK IIOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora