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Two weeks went by faster than ever. The University was crowded by the bookworms, again. The libraries were busy, again. But the clan was different this time.

Eleanor have her finals coming up. And she's NOT at all calm about it. Looking at her state, her roommates had different reactions.

The older one was used to it, so Scarlett knew exactly how to help her. "This is better than the last time. Just ignore her existence. Trust me, she needs it. We can't help it." That's what her words were.

Although it's also her who leaves a warm cup of coffee and a sandwich for the panicked girl every night. Eleanor knows that too and that's some how eases her anxiety too.

While the youngest of the trio got worried about herself, every time she watches her senior all wrecked up. She'll soon be like her. A crazy lady whom everyone avoids.

Ava thought about it. If a person like Eleanor, who manages to cover her studies and is well organized with her notes can get all riled up, then will she be able to survive when comes to her?

So Eleanor became Ava's fuel to begin with her own preparation for the finals which still had some time. 'Worrying about it will get you nowhere. At least be prepared for it.' Ava mentally told herself.

Eleanor wasn't herself right now. She was too indulged to cover every little detail on time. Didn't study in groups during exams. She has her study groups in which she remains active all round the year. But now. It's all her now.

She was going through some of the very important topics marked by her Professors. She tried to recollect a certain point which was crucial for a certain answer and she was almost there when a text popped up.

It was Joe.

Anger took over her and she dialled up the particular individual.

"Why are you texting me at this hour? We just talked this morning, didn't we? I have more important things to focus on Joe. I can't just sit all day and catch up on you while you play your silly video games. Don't call me anymore. I'm busy as it is." Eleanor said whatever came to her mind.

She regretted immediately, saying all the those things she didn't mean. She was so exhausted and embarrassed, she couldn't even manage to check his text.

'I think this is how much I can offer in this relationship. It was sweet, the time we had. But he can't wait for a girl like me every time. It's better off this way.' Eleanor explained herself, this was their end.

Unfortunately, although the other two saw the silent tears of the broken girl, they decided to give her some space. Ava, on the other hand, felt hurt for both the broken hearts.

Now without someone to cheer her up every morning, Eleanor became a someone without a soul. Her meals were not fixed and all she did was to go through her notes. That's the only way she had to distract her weak heart.

Soon a month passed and Eleanor could finally breathe properly. Her exams ended on a good note. But she didn't have a certain someone to share her feelings with. 'He doesn't need someone like me.' She kept assuring herself.

She came back to the dorm, where a few confettis were thrown at her arrival. She managed to smile at their efforts.

"Congratulations Champ! You made it!" Scarlett said like proud Dad, patting her back. "We're so proud of you." Ava said like an innocent kid watching her idol for the first time.

Eleanor teared up a bit, and hugged them, carefully hiding her emotions. "Thank you guys to bear me all this time." She said looking at Ava. "And thanks for the coffee and sandwich. It was the only thing that kept me alive this past mont." She said, now facing Scarlett.

"Um, this may be awkward but you should know I just delivered those to you every night. I didn't buy them." Scarlett said calmly, not at all awkward like she mentioned.

Eleanor was confused now. She didn't have any brain cells left to process things now. She raised her eyebrows for further explanation.

Scarlett sighed before answering the perplexed woman.

"It was your ex boyfriend."

"But I ended things with him a month ago, why did he continue to send them." Eleanor asked, more to herself.

"I think you guys should talk it out." Scarlett said with as much emotions she could build up in this situation.

Eleanor was thinking about all the possibilities but couldn't conclude to one so she decided to dial the particular number again. Before she could do that, she notices the unopened text from a month ago.

Did you have your meal? Don't miss your dinner. You need energy to get things to your head. Take care hun. You can do this. I believe in you. You should too. The text read.

She felt something, she didn't feel for quite a long time. She felt guilty at her actions. She couldn't do this anymore and called him.

"Can we meet... Please?" Eleanor said in a whimper.

Two hours later, the girl was sitting in a cafe just outside the university. Waiting for the only person who made her happy once.

A man entered the little cafe, panting a bit like he ran his way to the place. He scanned the room, only to end up at her table. After staring her beautiful face for a minute, he smiled like he used to.

Joe took the seat across her. They didn't say a word but just looked at each other as if they came here just for that.

"Why did you do that? You know I don't deserve a guy like you. Things won't work out with us. With me being like this." Eleanor broke the silence, looking down.

Joe held back his tears and leaned towards her, his hands holding hers.

"Look at me." He said making her face his him. He was on the brink of crying.

"I know times like these will come time and again. There will a time when I'll be busy with my projects and won't be there with you. I might even lose my patience and say things I won't even mean. At those times, we need to understand that sometimes, having some space between us is the same as being there for each other."

"I wasn't mad at you that day. Was I disheartened at your harsh words? Maybe a little but I tried to understand you. 'Elle, people maybe in a relationship,but they'll still be their own persons."

"And you also need to accept that we all have our flaws, we need timeouts too. And I'm willing to wait for you patiently until you're done taking some time for yourself." Joe finished, smiling at his girl.

"I'm so sorry, I hurt you." Eleanor said, holding onto his hands a bit tighter.

The pair made their way out of the cafe with happy smiles. It was pouring now. They waited outside for some time since they didn't have any umbrellas with them. But they didn't mind.

Even the rain couldn't bring their contended hearts down. While Joe was covering Eleanor from the rain, she pushed him slightly in the rain.

The man was surprised and chuckled when he saw her laughing her heart out. He ruffled his hair, before pulling her towards him, the cold water soaking both of them.

While the some people in the cafe gave them weird looks, some were a bit jealous of them. The lovely couple didn't give a damn about anyone at the moment.

The pair was just enjoying the rain, swaying happily to their humming music only they could understand, in the comfort of each other's arms.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. One should learn how to enjoy the pouring rain.

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