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"You look horrendous in that." Joe commented on Ethan's new goatee. They were standing at the entrance, welcoming the guests.

"You don't know how much grateful I'm now that we're NOT identical twins." he finished his ranting, fixing his perfectly styled hair.

Both men were well dressed for the occasion. They wore tuxedos matching with the theme of the destination wedding.

"Yeah I love you too. Now let's talk business." Ethan said brushing off invisible dust from his brother's shoulders.

The other man slipped his hands into the pockets of his pants and turned to his side. "I swear to God I'm not gonna do that weird choreography with you during the wedding dance."

"Listen I know it's..... Wait what!? NO! I don't wanna do that either. I have an image to maintain." Ethan said fixing his tie.

"Anyway, I want a favor real bad and it's urgent." He asked, hands firmly grabbing Joe's shoulders.

"Just spit it out. You're scaring me." He said gulping.

"I want you to pretend like I'm not your brother." Ethan said in one breathe. The other guy looked straight at his brother with a blank expression.

"Dude I've been doing that since eight grade. So care to explain why am I doing this, not complaining though." Joe said calmly.

"Okay firstly, that hurts, and secondly it's a long story and I'll definitely tell you about it soon. But for now all you need to know that I'm not Ethan Sebastian but Andy Summers who works with your brother Ethan and I'm just your best friend who is invited to your brother's wedding and also that your family treats me like an important member of it." Ethan explained as simply as he could.

"So this is definitely for a lady and she must be really special if you're going to this level...But seriously brother? Your first date is at a wedding!? I thought I was bad at dating stuff but you're worse. You need help Man." Joe remarked, understanding only a selected portion of his crack head story.

Ethan was about to answer when a certain woman came upto them donning an extremely beautiful gown. The girl became a bit conscious about her accessories when the boys just stood there, eyes glimmering at the sight.

"What's stopping you too dumbasses, come on I'm ready for your comments on how ridiculous I'm looking right now." Ava said avoiding eye contact, not being confident herself.

Her words broke them out of their faze and finally managed to speak, "Are you trying to steal the Bride's thunder? Why do you look so gorgeous in that." Joe said playfully, hugging his lil' girl.

"Move peasant, you're gonna ruin her beauty with your ugliness." Ethan said pushing the former out of his way, so that he could hug his baby sister too.

Ava smiled shyly at their comments for a second, shrugging it off soon. "So there's a bit of a situation here..." She started.

"Is Bella okay? She's missing her parents isn't it? I told Mom not to leave her side today." Joe began his blabbering.

"Is she having a cold feet? Oh my God I knew this was gonna happen. Why would such a good woman choose him? I'll calm her down." Ethan said, and was about to leave for the Bride's cabin.

The siblings really cared about their new addition to their family. They didn't want her to ever experience the feeling of loneliness again.

"Guys we all know she's stronger than that, and Mom didn't leave her even for a second. In fact, I just checked on her, she looked like an Angel and is happily waiting for the ceremony to begin."

"So.... " The brothers said in unison.

"Yeah. It's our big brother who needs help. I'll do the talking but I need man power in case he faints due to his little panick attacks." Ava explained the little situation.

"So now, are you ready to get the girl of dreams, Mr. Sebastian?" Ava asked softly, tieing Damian's bow perfectly in the middle.

Twins helped the groom with his tux and patted his back. The siblings felt a sense of accomplishment, getting the big man to prepare for his own wedding.

The ceremony ended flawlessly. The couple was now officially, Husband and Wife.

The hilarious wedding toast was followed by a beautiful dance by the newlyweds. And now everyone was busy chatting with each other.

While everyone seemed to enjoy the evening, Asher was sweating from head to toe. "Since it's a special day, they won't try to kill me right Ava?" He asked loosening his tie.

The girl chuckled at his state. "They just wanted to meet my old friend whom I missed a lot once. That's it." Ava said, fixing his tie for him. His nervousness disappeared into thin air just like that.

There were other special guests too. Ava invited Eleanor and Scarlett as well. However they're were both busy with their 'plus ones'.

Joe was stuck to Eleanor throughout the ceremony while Scarlett was busy with her food. Well her priorities are well sought out.

Ethan brought his girlfriend too. They congratulated the groom and bride, although it was bit awkward for the Sebastians to pretend like he was someone else.

"Kids let's get the photos taken. Come on up." Papa Sebastian shouted at the group of youngsters.

After the family photo was done, Ava asked for a photo with the siblings and their friends. While the group was arranging their positions for the frame, Ava walked upto a guy wearing a navy blue suit.

"Um Nathan? Why are you hiding here?" She asked him, who was busy looking at restroom. Creep.

"Aah! This is embarrassing. I wasn't hiding I came with my cousin, he's the wedding photographer and asked me to help him out because his assistant had bailed on him at the last minute." He said scratching his nape.

"Would you like to join us, we're taking a group photo. There's your Scar too." Ava said, the last part in a whisper.

"How do you know about Scar?" Nathan asked, definitely not curious about a silly nickname.

Ava smiled cheekily at him, "The entire college knows that you're head over heels for that girl. I'm trying to be friends here. C'mmon." She said still smiling, offering her hand.

He took it gladly and followed her to where all were already stationed at their positions.

The newlyweds at the center. Ava was beside the Bride, the girls hugging each other sideways. While Joe and Eleanor were on the Groom's side, Damian making her giggle.

Ethan and Riley were behind Ava holding each other's hands while Scarlett and Nathan were behind Eleanor.

Everybody was ready with a smile on their face

Seconds before the photograph was taken, few things happened.

One, Nathan put his hands on Scarlett's waist and pulled her closer, making her look at him with widened eyes.

Two,  Ethan sneakily kissed Riley on her cheek. It was their first kiss. Even though it was stolen.

Three, Joe put his arm around Eleanor, whispering into her ear, "I've fallen for you, 'Elle. " Both stared at each other with a smile on their face.

Lastly, taking a deep breath, Asher leaned towards Ava's ear and said softly, "I should've kissed you that night." He took her hands looking at camera while, Ava's eyes were stuck to his side profile.

The only thing normal in that epic photograph, was the newlyweds' passionate kiss.

Good memories aren't supposed to be perfect. They should just be memorable enough to take you back to the old times.

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