𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗲𝗻

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Saudade (n.) - A sad state of longing for someone or something that is absent.


What does it mean by the word God?

The Almighty?

The Creator?

Well, I don't fucking know. I don't believe in things that don't cease to exist. yet, she believes in him. Ma did too. And what did they get in return for believing in a stone structure wrapped in a piece of flimsy cloth? Nothing but destruction. Violence. Death.

The weight of the photographs in my hand intensified as if I lost another chance.

Another battle.

The one's spread out on the table appeared to char the rich polished wood. I glared at the images without a single blink. My heart thundered inside my ribcage. The noise of its thunder echoed in my ears loud and clear. Rage fueled, it spiked twining around the palpitating four-chambered organ constricting almost crushing my heart. The ache in my heart was exacerbated.

I gazed at the shiny onyx metal outlined in the soft glow of the table lamp. A dangerous device to commence the war. To begin violence. To create a slaughter. To draw the blood of my enemy. To butcher those who dared to take what's mine.

At the back of my mind, I had often comprehended the aftermath of the situation. However, now that it has morphed into a reality I regretted my decision from years ago. I shouldn't have let her go. Shouldn't have hidden in her closet, where when we were kids, we were forbidden to enter. I should have kept her away from the old snake's sight. I couldn't protect her then, but I can now. I didn't have the power back then but now I do. She just has to be here with me and she'll be safe.

it has been such a long time since I last saw her. The years have passed in a blur. She has grown into a woman. Without a doubt a beautiful one. Her beauty is breathtaking. Her body might have evolved but she is the same girl I've known. The scared little girl who sought my solace. So pure. So fragile. Her hazel eyes portray so. She doesn't know she is being photographed. No one does. He has done his job flawlessly without a glitch.

What incites to boil my blood is the man beside her. Her fiance. All I want to do is rip the bastard's heart out.

Vincenzo Romano.

The most feared and powerful man in the underground. He is the mafia. The possessor of the Crown. No sane person in their right mind would dare to cross paths with him, let alone walk in the same path.

However, I am no sane person. I'm the devil he raised me to be. The monster that lurks in the alley feeding on innocent blood. The villain.

Soon I will rise. All the work and wait of these long-awaited years will be worth it. I'll be more powerful and there won't be a soul daring to separate us. Not even the old snake.

She made a promise to me. She took her vows and so did I. She was mine from the beginning. And yet, she's wearing his family heirloom ring which infuriates me further. I know she doesn't have a choice. She's doing this for the alliance of the two families. She's sacrificing herself. Like always.

I should have taken her away with me a long time ago when I had a chance. However, each time I attempted was a failure. She hardly came outside of the villa. Fucking Marco had made it certain not to let her outside of the villa, and when she ever did come out she was surrounded by his goons. I never had the chance to seize her that is the reason she is getting involved with this mess. That bloody fucking engagement.

Did she forget about me that easily? Does she even remember me? How will she react when she sees me? Will she be happy? Did she forget the times we had? Only if the fucking old snake gave orders sooner she would be here with me, in her home. My mind is full of unanswered questions I want the answers to.

"You foolish bastard!"

The doors to the study fly open in a crashing thud halting my thoughts of her. He applies force to the double door which rattles against the walls. I don't faze. I stay in my seat. His eyes greet me in pure hatred. He found out. Of course, the old snake always finds out. He is beyond angry. The heat is emitting out of him. I can sense it. He wants to punish me. Nonetheless, he's holding back because of the deal we have. His palms fisted on either side.

"I told you to stay put," He growls.

I don't speak a single word. I stay deadly silent.

"If anything had gone wrong tonight, I would have lost everything!" He bangs his fists on the table.

"We," I say calmly putting down the photographs on the table. His eyes follow the movement. For a brief second, I see a glimpse of it in his old wrinkled eyes. It vanishes before I can even christen it.

"What?" He cocks his head, narrowing his eyes on me hate burning in the core.

"We could have lost everything. Don't forget the deal I made with you." I say empathizing the 'we' deliberately to piss him off. I stand up, buttoning my suit.

"Don't interrupt my plans otherwise you will lose her." He warns me.

"And so will you if you don't make a move soon."

"We have to be careful regarding this. One fucking mistake and everything will be dust. I have waited for this opportunity for more than a decade and a bastard as you will not intrude my plan." He snarls, his yellow rotting teeth-baring.

"once you have succeeded with your plans, don't forget she's mine." I snarl back.

He scrutinizes me in menace for a full minute and storms out of the study, not uttering a word, slamming the door shut behind him.

I take a final glance at the photographs before discarding them into the dustbin. I make my way towards the mini-fridge in the office, before opening it up and pouring a hefty amount of vodka into the glass. Swirling it around, I move towards the window to watch the dark empty sky. The sky tonight mirrors my soul. Dark, vacant with no stars that twinkle.

I cannot wait to see her reaction when I finally stand facing her. Closing my eyes, I picture her green eyes. I gulp down the cold liquid my mind greasing the wheels for the plans. Soon we will meet and will connect in ways more than one. Anastasia Ivanov, I'm coming for you.


Hello again! This was dramatic but who doesn't like a bit of melodrama? Sorry, this chapter is so short! Ciao~


𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang