Chapter Sixty Three

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"Maybe if you fucking let me finish, you would know that Anastasia is showing signs of waking up."

I drop the gun back into the drawer, the glass of whiskey in my hand falling suit.

"No... they told me there was no likely way for her to wake up..."

"It's only been a month Vincenzo, you haven't even visited her."

"I can't bring myself to be there, she died in my arms, Max! Do you know what that fucking feels like? I had to watch as they forced her back to life, even then she laid comatized!"

"You need to go there..."

"I can't... I can't face her... I didn't even hold her properly as she sacrificed herself for me... for our babies... I was a selfish bastard, she won't want me there. I couldn't even bring myself to say goodbye while she was alive... why do I deserve her now?"

"Anastasia will understand," Max mutters softly, "She always does, you two are in love..."

"It's more than that.."

"Nothing is more than that... now go see her. She will want you and the babies there when she wakes up."


I entered the hospital, having showered and shaved.

I couldn't face her in the state that I was in.

My hands clutched the two carseats for my children, I headed into the elevator, placing the carseats down as I traveled to the premium rooms that cost an arm and a leg.

Once I was there, I walked slowly to her room. 

I had no idea what to say to her...

I doubted she would be able to hear me anyway...

I place the babies down on the table in their acreseats, before heading to her bed.

I rub my knuckle over her cheek bone.

She did look better...

I had visited only a handful of times over the past 6 weeks...

"Hey Stassie.." I mutter, gently pressing a kiss to her delicate lips as I perch on the edge of the hospital bed.

She shifted in her rest.

I jump up in shock.

What the hell?

Do I get a nurse? I wonder turning around to face the door as I contemplated the options.

I should get the nurse.

I rush towards the door and as my hand wraps around the handle, I hear her.

"Hi, Vee.." She whispers.

"Anastasia.."I mutter rushing towards her, pulling her into my arms as she begins to sit up.

"How long have you been awake?"

"What time did you get here?"

"A few minutes ago.."

"Then I woke up a few minutes ago.."


"I don't know why... or how... but I woke up when you put the twins down.." She says sounding exhausted.

"I love you.." I whisper, kissing her softly.

"I love you too.."

"Forgive me, please."

"What do I have to forgive you for?" She asks, reaching her arm to my cheek with a soft sigh of pain.

"I should have held you... I should have been there for you... what you did was noble.."

She laughs softly.

"I found it noble with the fact you still managed to put me first..."

"You always come first."


Anastasia lay against me in the hospital bed, her head against my stomach as she finally wore her own pajamas.

She had seen the babies already, and now they slept peacefully in their careseats.

Anastasia glew despite everything that happened.

She somehow always managed to overshine her troubles and that was something I envied...

"You broke all of them?"


"The glasses that Alexei bought you for your birthday!"


She laughs softly, coughing as I pat her back.

She was still completely fucked from the numerous surgeries she had and the hemorrhage.


I watched from the couch I slept on, as Anastasia, held both babies in her arms, talking softly to them.

God she was beautiful. 

If she had died that day, I would have too...

She was everything I had and more...

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞Where stories live. Discover now