Chapter Fifty- Seven

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The wind blows through the open windows letting the breeze filter through the room, blowing the curtains freely

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The wind blows through the open windows letting the breeze filter through the room, blowing the curtains freely.  I shoot up hearing a loud slam, and the breaking of glass. Vincenzo shifts in his place beside me, looking at me confused. 

"What's wrong?" He asks, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 

"Did you hear that?"

Maybe I imagined it. 

"Yeah, it's Elio and Ivan. They have been at it all night?"

"It?" I ask.

"They're fighting..." He says shaking his head, " Are you okay? Lay back down, it's still early." Vincenzo mutters, holding his arm out for me to lay on. 

"I'm fine... I just- I'm gonna get up. Maybe go to the gym when it opens." 

"Since when do you go to the gym?" Vincenzo chuckles, sitting up on the edge of the bed.

I frown.

"What's that meant to mean?"

"Relax darling." He says reaching out for my hands.

I walk past him, heading into the bathroom.

Vincenzo follows me, as I flick the light switch on. 

I start to get undressed, letting Vincenzo step around me to turn the shower on. He turns it on adjusting the temperature. 

Vincenzo slowly starts undressing as I step into the shower, shutting the door behind me. I can hear Vincenzo smirk from the other side of the glass, before he opens the door again, to step into the rain shower behind me. 

He pulls me to his chest.

By now my tears blended into the water running over us. 

Vincenzo kisses my head, pressing my head to his upper chest.

"I thought we established that you need to tell me when you're upset sweetheart."

"I know I-I-" I trip over my words, breaking into sobs as Vincenzo lifts me off the floor and picks me up, I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I bury my face in his neck.

"Shh, don't bother trying to explain it until you're ready." He mutters, stroking my wet hair. 

I take a deep breath, lifting my head until my chin is just below his shoulder. 

"I-I can't escape it. I thought by c-coming here, I would be a-able to get o-over it."

"I hate to be the one to have to tell you this darling, but you won't get over it. You'll learn to live with it, but you can't get over something like that. You don't need to move on right now sweetheart, it happened not very long ago. You just need to understand that it will never happen again. Ever."

I nod, my tears slowly coming to a stop as I squeeze Vincenzo tighter. 

"I really love you," I blurt.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞Where stories live. Discover now