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┄┄ .•* 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝟔 *•. ┄┄

𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬

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𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬

────── *•. ⚡︎ .•*──────

Days turned into months and soon enough November rolled around. Annora could certainly say she loved Hogwarts, all her fears about change and experiencing different things were thrown out the window the moment her first day at Hogwarts ended. But she missed her mom more than anything in the world.

During those months at Hogwarts, Annora and her friends had become rather close. They had created their own little family in Slytherin. Sometimes, though, Annora would lose her patience with the boys, who sometimes acted like morons, and she would hang out with Lily and her friends.

Lily, of course, didn't mind, enjoying Annora's company, well, apart from the moments Annora started to embarrass her or purposely irritate her to no end. Alice was always really nice to her and didn't miss an opportunity to ask her about Muggle music. Dorcas and Marlene, though, every time Annora would approach them the first month would eye her wearily. Annora assumed it was because she was a Slytherin, but she tried to brush it off, which was easy seeing as the moment Annora started talking and laughing with the girls they seemed to forget that little detail. And by now they were completely over the fact that Annora was indeed a snake.

And speaking of snakes, Annora's roommates were still as stiff around her as they were on the first day. Rosalyn Knight was still friendly towards her, being polite but not overstepping the barrier of friendship. They had mutual tolerance relationship and that seemed to work out. Meredith Bole, though, often came with a few snarky replies or annoying comments aimed at Annora, but because they were usually in the morning after they had just woken up or at night when they were going to bed, Annora just figured the girl was cranky when she was sleepy.

And apart from her group of friends in Slytherin, Annora had made a few acquaintances outside of her house, though they all seemed a bit wary of her. That was something she didn't fully get. Sometimes they eyed her as if she was scared, and Annora found herself about as scary as a bunny in a meadow. Either way, she had become acquainted with a Ravenclaw boy named Aaron Gardner (they has bonded over their miserable performance in Herbology, and would sometimes study together in the library), and the Hufflepuff metamorphmagus girl, Danica Reagan (she was the only one that didn't care for the fact that she belonged in Slytherin, being aware of the fact Annora was the one that asked how a hat talked on their first day).

Until now Annora hadn't had many mishaps at Hogwarts. Well, unless you count the fact that Barty was always dragging her around the school trying to find passageways. With Florence's help, Barty had taken to find and learn about every nook and corner of the big castle. And subsequently, he pushed Annora, Regulus, Evan, and Rabastan into it. Let's just say that by the time November came around, they were definitely not getting lost anymore.

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