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Chapter one.

"I hate him." Hermione sat down on the old couch, with way too much drama. Harry entered the room, his face written with confusion. Everyone would be confused if your best friend flooed into your living room, without telling you before, at two a.m.

Harry stood there at the door with his pyjama bottoms and a well-worn shirt, his hair messy and his rounded glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose. "Erm, 'Mione you are welcome here anytime but I would appreciate it if you could at least call me before so I don't jump out of my bed with my wand in my hand." It was then that she realised he held his wand in his right hand. She didn't even realise that it was that late in the night - or that early in the morning.  She felt a little guilty, "Oh bloody hell, what happened to me?" She groaned and closed her eyes.

Hermione felt the couch shift on her left and an arm around her shoulder. She leaned back against Harry's chest and kept her eyes closed. "What did he do this time?" His voice was soft and caring. With her eyes still closed she gave a sigh and began, "He sent me a message, a picture to be more specific. It was him kissing lavender," Harry gasped and Hermione carried on, "and after a few minutes, he added 'oh sorry, this was supposed for dad' which was a lie. He sent me the picture on purpose." Ron enjoyed rubbing under her nose the fact that he was happy with Lavender, and she hated the fact that it affected her that much, it really shouldn't. It's been 6 months.

6 months since she caught Ron cheating on her with Lavender.

6 months passed and she still wasn't over it, wasn't over with the fact that he decided to start a relationship with the woman he cheated with on his fiancée.

"I am sorry." Harry's voice was smooth and calming. It calmed her. "Don't be sorry, you weren't the one who slept with a different woman while being engaged." She gave another sigh. "I m sorry though, I shouldn't have flooed here without telling you first. It won't happen again, I promise."

She smiled up at him and stood up when a third voice spoke, "So it was you who made my fiancée sprint downstairs." The woman with black short hair was dressed in an oversized shirt, probably Harry's, "Yes, sorry Pansy, won't happen again." Hermione also smiled at the Slytherin. "Don't worry Granger, it's alright, you're welcome here. Anyway, are you alright? You look exhausted." Hermione and Pansy built a pretty good friendship over the past one and a half years.

"Oh, I am alright," Pansy walked over to Hermione and pulled her in a hug, "I don't believe you but I'll let you go with it tonight since I am too tired to argue with you over your well being ." Hermione hugged her tighter, then she went over to Harry and hugged him too, then she left through the floo.

Back in her bed, she lay there unable to get any sleep, thank Merlin she didn't have to work the next day.

Her thoughts went back to her ex-fiancée, she really shouldn't have thought of him but she couldn't control it, not anymore. The past weeks she was perfectly over it. She avoided him when she visited Molly or Ginny at the Burrow, she ignored the pregnancy announcement Lavender and Ron made for the Daily Prophet, she acted like he didn't even exist. But after the picture, her walls broke. All of their memories came back like a huge wave, a wave she was unprepared for. They were supposed to get married the next month. She was supposed to be Mrs Weasley the next month. She was supposed to be his wife. She thought about their future together since they were teenagers at Hogwarts. And he threw everything away, with only one night.

She gave up on trying to get some sleep, she went over to her small kitchen, brewed her some hot tea, and at her kitchen table until the sunlight.

The next day it took her way longer than usual to get ready. She was supposed to get lunch with her parents but after looking at herself in the mirror for more than ten minutes she called her mother and told her she was sick. Matilda Granger wanted to come over to take care of her daughter but Hermione, as stubborn as she was, argued over five minutes with her mother and in the end, Hermione got what she wanted - no Mother babysitting her. She didn't like lying to her mother, she didn't like that she never told her parents what Ron did to her, they didn't approve of their relationship from the start on and if Benjamin Granger found out that his daughter's heart got shattered like that, he would have killed him - without hesitation. Hermione told them that they separated ways in good. They believed her, or they at least acted as they believed her. It wouldn't matter.

So after a cold shower which made her feel numb, she threw on some new pyjamas and sat on her floor, leaning against her couch, listening to her fire crack.

She was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't even realise that the red flames turned green and Pansy and Harry stepped through. "Oh Merlin, I shouldn't have let her go last night. She looks terrible." Pansy kneeled in front of Hermione and locked eyes with her. For mere moments they only stared at each other until Pansy pulled Hermione off the floor and led her in her room.
Harry went to the kitchen and prepared some tea.

"Okay Granger, we all know Weasel is an arse and that he didn't deserve you, but your depression phase has to stop. Now get dressed properly, drink some tea, and then we will go get lunch. You will forget him and move on, for Merlin's sake, Granger it's been half a year." Her words sounded harsh but Hermione knew Pansy meant them soft.

"You are right."

"Of course I am, now get dressed I'll wait with Harry." Pansy left the room and closed the door behind herself.

Chapter end.

I am really excited about this fic. This will be a quite short one though.. I just wanted to write Dilf draco once in my life so yeah lol. Enjoy.
I hope I can update this regularly but I promise nothing.
Oh my god - HANSYYYY I love them sm together I can't explain it. Anyways, yes this fic will have smut I mean, who would I be not to give you Dramione smut?
Let's keep this fluffy though. Yes there will be more to Ronald cheating and Draco's backstory, but not yet. Have patience.
I am so happy to write this..
English isn't my first language.

Find my Instagram - nathaliersn
Find my ao3 - nathaliesn

Looking for a beta btw.



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