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"Nope. We will not name our child after him, Harry! Sweet Salazar what i wrong with you?" Pansy frowned and looked at her husband in horror, "he hated you, loathed you if you will, he bullied you for years, never cared for anyone else except the Slytherins, and I a Slytherin can tell you that his 'caring' towards us was nothing more than giving us points we didn't deserve. He had an obsession with your mother, his hair were always greasy and, may Snape rest peace, but our child does not deserve to be named after him!"

Harry on the other side of the living room tried to speak but Draco cut him before he could, "Pans' right, you really can't do that to your child. Same goes for Albus. Apologies but that wizard was a manipulator. Why not go with some you know, more unique names?" Hermione sat next to Pansy, deep in her thoughts. It was true, Harry shouldn't name his son after both death wizards. They might have done some things that without Harry would've been dead but those really weren't a reason to name his bloody kid after them. Pansy was 6 months pregnant and Harry told Pansy his name suggestions right after they've found out the sex. When he first told Hermione about the names, she dropped her toast which leaned next to her plat and looked at him with wide eyes. She asked him if it really was what he wanted on which he only replied; "Well, they were a huge part in my life." 

Hermione was so deep in her thoughts that she hadn't realised Pansy calling her name, "Mhm? Sorry, what did you say?"
"I asked, what would you suggest? I am for Nicholas, sounds rich doesn't it?" said Pansy, grinning. "Well, considering that Harry wants something with a more personal connection, or something like that, you could name your son Fred or er, regulus?" At that Harry looked up at her, eyes shining. Draco, who sat too far away from her, looked at her with a small smile. She knew how much he had been thinking about kids names since she and him agreed on sleeping with each other without any contraption. Draco wanted a second child, a second child with her. And Hermione, she wanted it too, wanted to  give Draco another child to love and Scorpius a sibling to play and, of course, love.

"I'm okay with Fred, but let's make it the short form for Frederick," smiled Pansy and Harry eyes even shined brighter - sparkled. He got up from his seat and walked over to Pansy, pressed a loud kiss on her lips before he turned to Hermione to press a, also loud, kiss on her right cheek before whispering, "freddie would love it," in her ear.

She was close to tears after. Thinking about Fred made her feel sad and helpless once again. She loved Fred and his silly jokes, his open and warm atmosphere, his ability to make every laugh even at their worsts. Hermione was done coping with his death but it still hurt her heart thinking about each time she saw George alone in the Joke-shop. All deaths hurt her, but Fred's hurt her the most she thought. And she knew that Fred will be watching over Frederick in the future, he will make sure that he will live his life with all the fun he can get.

"Now, I need to pee. Being pregnant isn't easy. Oh and Draco and Hermione, I haven't seen Scorpius in 36 hours, that's not okay, bring him tomorrow," said Pansy and stood before walking out of the living room and in to the bathroom. Draco chuckled to himself and stood too, asking over to Hermione grabbing her hand and pulling her up. "Potter, tell Pansy it was lovely listening to her yell at you, we'll go now. Oh and thanks for the tea. Scorpius will be here tomorrow by twelve o'clock." Harry nodded and smiled.

Draco and Hermione walked over to the door, shrugging on their coats and walking out, their hands tangled together. "Let's pick up our little trouble maker shall we, wife?" Draco pressed a swift kiss on Hermione's cheek before they started walking towards the Zabini House to pick up their son.

"I bet he got that from you, all the running around and screaming, oh and biting." Hermione joked. It was true, Scorpius turned into a little trouble maker as soon as he figured out how to walk and run. And when the little copy of his father found out that he could use his voice to scream, it was over for them. "Come on, he's not that much of a biter..." said Draco in defence, "I have small teeth marks on my upper arm ad shoulder blade. He does like to bite me to wake me." Hermione looked over to her husband, "well, I get woken by kisses, so I consider myself lucky."

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