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See chapter end for notes

Chapter eight

She didn't sleep after Ron left. It was her anxiety that kept her awake, the anxiety that he could come back and hurt her. A month ago she would have said that he would never hurt her, but now she doesn't know what he's capable of. Perhaps she doesn't even want to know what he's capable of.

It was six in the morning when she decided to stand up from her bed. Her whole body felt wobbly and she was tired but she knew she couldn't go back in her bed even though she had a day off. She had to go to Pansy and Harry's and help them with last-minute touches for the wedding the next day.

She poured herself a cup of black coffee after she left the bathroom and sat down at her table, staring out of her window over her sink. The sun wasn't up completely but there was a bit of light, enough for her so she hadn't had to turn on her lights in her flat.

The cup was hot against her fingers, almost burning but she didn't pull away like she probably should have. But she just didn't. Something about how it felt against her skin made her feel something. Hermione couldn't describe it but it was a feeling that made her realise that everything was real. Real. Everything.

She started to like Draco.

Ron had shown up again.

Her best friend was going to marry.

It was then when she also realised that everything was going to settle soon. If she wouldn't settle down herself for good now, then it would stay exactly like it was right now, her sitting alone at her kitchen table staring out of her window. Hermione was sure she didn't want to settle like this. She had enough of being hurt and alone. It was funny to her how often she made promises to herself in the past week, but that didn't stop her from making another promise to herself. So she drank her coffee which was still burning hot and then she stood. She stood, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes before reopening them again.

Hermione promised herself that she would do the one thing she thought would make her happy and she would do it at the wedding of her best friend.

The next thing she did was shower and change into presentable clothing. She von put on a little makeup and she braided her hair. She felt pretty when she looked at herself in the mirror. Hermione wasn't insecure or anything, no, but something she just didn't feel pretty, but that day she felt truly pretty. She smiled at herself before she grabbed her purse and left through her front door. It was still too early to go to Pansy and Harry but she didn't want to stay at home. So she decided she would visit Draco. It was a dumb idea and she did not think twice bout it but she wanted to see him and his son. She didn't know exactly where he lived, only that he lived near Pansy.

Hermione walked to the street Harry and pansy lived in and walked the street up and down, checking some names on the doors hoping she would read "Malfoy" soon. It was rather a stroll than walking, she was deep in her thoughts. She was thinking about what she had to do next, she thought about her fate.

Talking about fate, she found his name on an old-looking yet expensive doorbell. Yes, a doorbell can be expensive if you want it to be and if you're a Malfoy... then you of course want the expensive one. She looked at the house the doorbell belonged to. It was a big, beautiful brick house that had some vines on the front walls, there were a few big windows and she could see some of the insides but not much. All she could see was something that looked like a closet or a door. Before she could change her mind about everything she pressed the doorbell. After three seconds nothing happened. Six more seconds. Then fifteen. Then thirty. After the thirty-fifth second, he opened the door and froze. She too froze. They locked eyes for a few moments before he smiled at her. It was warm and welcoming, teeth showing a smile. She couldn't help but smile at him too. Then she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

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