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See chapter end for notes.

Chapter six

Daphne and Blaise left shortly after 7 pm.

"Good, you and Daphne now know each other and I assume you both like each other so there won't be any awkwardness at my wedding?" Pansy had her hands clapped together and waited for Hermione's response while chewing on her bottom lip. It was really important for Pansy that her two bridesmaids got along and Hermione understood her. She didn't know what she would do if her two bridesmaids stood there shooting death stares at each other, "Yes, no worries. Your wedding will be wonderful I am sure of it."

"If the brightest witch herself say it then I believe it, now come on I think Draco's leaving." They left the kitchen and went to the front door where Draco was indeed leaving. He put on a small knit hat on Scorpius and then looked at both of the witches, then he grabbed the baby's hand and waved, "Thank you for having us and spoiling me aunt Pansy, we'll see you again in a few days." Hermione looked over to Pansy who had tears in her eyes and smiled, "Draco this was adorable, can he have a sleepover with aunt Pansy?" That was when Harry got to the door too, "No, I much like my seven hours of sleep and I have to work tomorrow, if he old enough to sleep through a whole night then he is very welcome, no offence though," he held up both of his hands.
Draco laughed, "Of course, I wouldn't do that to you Head Auror Potter, now bye to you too, Hermione." He left and Hermione realised that he used her given name mere moments later.

The way her name left his lips made her knees weak. Merlin, why did it make her knees go weak?

"Pansy, tell me you heard that too." Maybe she was hallucinating.
"Oh yes, I did hear him using your given name,". She smiled at her like she knew something that Hermione didn't, "Wonder that it took him that long, I almost did a bet with Blaise.." they walked in the living room and began cleaning things up, "a bet? About?" She was confused, "er, you and Draco... If we bet I could have won 5 galleons if you and Draco came in here hand in hand, and Blaise would have won if you didn't, he says that Draco is too shy and too scared of you, which is of course bollocks, the scary side of you turns him on," that was , way too much for Hermione. She began laughing, her eyes even had tears, "this is ridiculous why would we come in here ha-" then she remembered that they did walk hand in hand to the house and he let go of her when he opened the door, she cleared her throat and Pansy was looking at her smirking again, "he let go of my hand so Blaise would have won," her voice was almost a whisper. She fell on the couch and closed her eyes, what on earth was happening between her and Draco?

Pansy, who was standing in front of her began jumping and clapping her hands, "So you did hold hands but not long enough for us to see it?' Hermione nodded, her eyes still closed.

"Pansy, he hated me and I hated him, we haven't seen each other since the war and now we have spent, what two days? together, what is happening?" Hermione didn't dare to open her eyes. "Two words, enemies to lovers and who cares that it has been only a couple of days? You are both liking each other's company and he loves how you are with Scorpius, he told me about your run-in at the park." That got her attention, "He did?"

"Yes and his eyes were so soft when he talked about you and Scorpius, I think he's falling in love with you and you can't deny that you are somehow want to spend more time with him," the truth was, Hermione hadn't thought about it but when she then did he realised that, yes, she wanted to spend time with Draco and that he had some kind of feelings for him but she needed more time to think, "falling in love is are big words you know?" She was glad that Harry wasn't with them at that moment, he was her best friend, yes, but she knew that Harry would tell her not to think about Draco in any way, he knew that Draco changed but he still didn't trust him. "Yes I know but the way his eyes soften when he sees you, the way he had talked about you, the way he went to the Ministry, where eighty per cent wants to hex him, only to pick you up... Hermione I think he is falling for you."


That night she laid wide awake in bed thinking about what Pansy had told her. The last couple of days Draco had been sweet to her, he had taken her to lunch, he had let her help he had asked if she was okay with side-along which she appreciated, no one had ever asked if she was alright with apparating they had always taken her by the arm and yanked her with them, so she appreciated that he had asked, that he cared.

She wondered if he cared about her in other ways too and if yes if anyone ever cared about her as he might do.

He told her he would take her somewhere where they serve better salmon, she thought it just slipped out of his butt when she was lying in her bed thinking about what had happened after she was sure that he meant it and that he was somehow interested in her. But was she?

She was attracted to him, but she thought everyone would be attracted to such a handsome man like him.  And she felt safe in his company. She often craved that feeling when she was with Ron. Yes, okay she had to admit that she was interested in him.

But he had a son?

A son he seemed to be trusting her with.

A son who she already loved from the very first moment.

A son who seemed to be trusting her.

Okay, Scorpius was no problem then, so was Pansy, she would always support her, Harry would need a couple of hours if they started something, her parents would love him she was sure of it, Ginny would be furious but in the end, she would be happy for her and then there was Ron. No, she wouldn't care what Ron thought about it.

That night she told herself that if Draco was interested in her, she would take the opportunity and make herself happy.

She fell asleep dreaming of a blonde man buying her flowers.


The next morning when she went to the Ministry she felt good, she felt light and she felt like she could do everything she wanted. On the way to her office she received a memo that said that her Muggle workshop didn't get the passing she needed. Butt not even that killed her mood, yes she was disappointed but she knew that if she talked to the Minister again she would get the pass. But she wanted to know why it didn't get the pass, it was perfect.
So when she seated herself in her chair she took her quill and ink and began writing to the Minister asking what went wrong.

After she sent her letter to the Minister she took a sip of the coffee she brought and began with her work.

She was so caught in her work that she didn't realise the door opened. When she looked up from her work she saw that the door fell close again and that flowers were levitated on her desk, right in front of her. Her lips parted and she looked at the white flowers. All of them were white, white as the snow. And they smelled fantastic, she considered the smell of those flowers her favourite smell in the world.

She searched for a note so she might find out who sent them to her and after looking between the flowers she saw a little card. The card was purple and there was a note on it. The person who sent them to her had such neat handwriting that she was almost jealous.
But all the note said was:

"Got them from near the place where they serve better salmon."

Of course, she immediately knew who sent her the flowers. She felt herself blushing and heat went through her body.


Chapter end.

Hello my loves!!

Thank you for reading, I do hope you liked this chapter! I would love to read your thoughts about this chapter so I can take notes for my next chapters. If you feel like things are going too fast and you want something slower than go read my other Dramione fanfic called "Bright Lights Red Eyes" you can find it on my ao3 profile or on my Wattpad account (same username)

I am so excited to share the other Chapters with you!
I hope I will see you at my other Chapters and remember..

English isn't my first language

Instagram - nathaliersn
Wattpad/ao3 - nathaliesn


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