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Chapter twelve

"He's crying, for two hours. I fed him, I bathed him, I tried to get him to sleep and I... I tried everything that the book told me to do. Nothing is working, why is nothing working?" It was in the early hours of the day when Draco flooed to Hermione. He was pacing in the kitchen with the crying baby in his arms. Hermione saw his exhausted eyes and his worry. She walked over to him, trying to stop him pacing, "sit down Draco, I am sure we'll figure out what's wrong with him," she pulled out a chair for him to sit, "he's not dying is he?" asked Draco in a little voice.

"Of course he's not. Come on let me have a look at him," Hermione reached for the boy whose cheeks were stained with tears and red, "do you see how he puts his fist in his mouth?" Draco nodded, "what did you feed him?" She tried to look into the little boy's mouth, "Uh, I fed him some pea pulp, I read in another book that babies start eating stuff like that at that age, what's wrong with the peas?" He rested his elbows on his knees and looked at the witch with his child, "his tongue is pretty red and a bit swollen... he might be allergic to peas. Did he have the same reaction to other food? No right? Everything he ate with me was fine and I never fed him peas..." she furrowed her brows, handed Scorpius over to his dad and went through some cupboards. "No, everything is fine when he eats something else. I think you're right. It was the first time that I fed him peas. What do we do now?"

Scorpius stopped crying but he still had his fist in his mouth and he seemed uncomfortable. Draco tried to soothe his son, "I have something here, It's something a friend of mine forgot once. It is like a juice that helps with food allergies for babies. I'll give him a little bit of that so the swelling goes back a little and he's calmer and then you should go to a healer and check if he's allergic to peas." Hermione said while preparing a little spoon with some of the juice for Scorpius.

"There you go... yes open your little mouth for me... yes just like that, it'll help you, scorp." Draco looked at Hermione, eyes now full of relief, "I don't know what we would do without you." He leaned forward to press a kiss on her lips before standing up, "Are you coming with us? To the Healer?" "If that is what you want yes, but let me change first." He nodded walking to the living room to take a more comfortable seat with Scorpius on his lap, waiting for Hermione.


"There should be no waiting, this is a baby, it's urgent," said Draco bouncing his leg. Scorpius was in Hermione's arms, head resting on her shoulder. She soothed the baby by carefully going over his head and stroking the fine blonde hair, "Draco, they have other patients too. It's normal that you have to wait." Her eyes rested on his face, "I should have called our family's private healer from France." His eyes were locked on a spot on the opposite wall, "Oh come on Draco, those few minutes aren't the world."

"Still, if I called our Healer then we-" he got cut off by a trainee calling his name and where he was supposed to go, "See? That was barely ten minutes, now let's go and check your son."

They stood up and followed the trainee into a room with white walls, a lounger, and some chairs. Hermione and Draco took a seat in two of the chairs, waiting for the healer to enter. The bouncing of Draco's leg didn't stop, Hermione knew how stressed he was and how exhausted the past hours must have been for him. She reached over and grabbed his hand, slightly pressing it. Draco gave her a thankful look and squeezed her hand back. "Thank you for coming with me, love," he said, locking his grey eyes with hers. "Of course."

It was then when a woman entered the room, dressed in all white. Her dark blonde hairs were pulled back into a low bun and she smiled softly at them. "Hello, I am Healer Towin, how may I help you today Mr. Malfoy and Ms. Granger?" Healer Towin was an elder woman, her hands were a little cold when she shook hands with Draco and Hermione, her eyes were soft and welcoming. "My son had an allergic reaction we believe and we came to check if he's really allergic or if it was something else." Healer Towin hummed and spoke again, "Is it okay for you if Ms. Granger stays in the room while we talk about the medical condition of your son? She's not Scorpius mother as I read here in his file." Draco looked over to Hermione, "Yes, of course, she's staying. She's his mother, not his biological, but she's his mother. She's staying."

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