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See chapter end for notes.

Chapter three

"This has to be a joke, a bad one if I might add." It was a Draco who spoke, "why don't you call the third of the golden trio too, Pans," he didn't even try to hide his disliking of the situation. "Draco! Calm yourself, not in front of scorp, now don't be a child and sit down and behave."

Hermione only sat there, watching Draco walk over to the armchair next to the couch she was sitting on, he had dark robes on and they looked so expensive she wouldn't dare to touch them, he had grown over the years, still, those white hairs but a little longer than in Hogwarts and they had some locks, his eyes as grey as they always had been, but his features even sharper. He walked with such grace in those dragonhide-boots that she thought the Queen herself didn't even walk like that.

He caught her staring, "Good to see you again Granger," he placed - what looked to her like a baby bag - a blue thing on the floor and then sat down on the black armchair, watching her. For some reason she couldn't perform one word, so she just smiled and nodded lightly. Everything was beginning to grow uncomfortable until Pansy sat down next to Hermione and started, "Scorp, this is Hermione, she's a friend of aunt Pansy, and this," she pointed to Harry who entered the room with cups again, "this is aunt's future husband, Harry." Pansy had such a bright smile on her face, Hermione couldn't help but smile at the scene. Pansy was lovely with kids, and Hermione knew she would be an amazing mother.

"Malfoy, little Malfoy." Harry addressed and handed over the cuppa for Draco and Hermione.

"Harry! You can't address a baby by his surname, that's- that's-"

"Rude" Draco cut in and Hermione faced him before she dramatically threw her arms in the air, "Yes, rude. That's a baby, not an adult, his name is Scorpius."

Pansy was too busy kissing the baby to add something, Harry held up his  hands, probably scared that Hermione would hex him, "I am sorry, Hello little Scorpius it's nice to meet you, even though you look exactly like your father, which scares me."

After that, he earned a smack on the arm from Pansy, and to everyone's surprise, Draco laughed, "Well, thank you Potter for being so formal with my child, I am sure he is traumatised for a lifetime."

It's been over what, six years? Since Hermione had last seen him, and he was so much different, he changed. And she noticed after being in one room with him for not even ten minutes. But, to be fair, it's not that surprising that he had changed, almost everyone who went through that war had changed, some for good some for bad. She guessed that he had changed for good.

"Malfoy, may I ask how old he is? He is adorable." Scorpius was an adorable baby, he had bright blue eyes and those silky white hairs looked so soft. He wasn't extremely big and he didn't have teeth, she guessed he couldn't be that old then. Scorpius was busy putting everything in his mouth he could find, for that, it was Pansy's chin.

"He's turning seven months in a week, and thank you, he comes after me." He smirked at her. It wasn't the Malfoy sneer smirk, it was a playful smirk, no suspicious meanings behind it.

"Okay time for me to spoil him," Pansy said and with a wave of her hand, a whole basked with toys was levitated in the room. Draco sighed, "First, he already has a whole room full of toys, he is getting more spoiled than I was at his age, second, where did you learn wandless magic? I am impressed." Pansy smiled and started showing Scorpius the toys. Scorpius himself was babbling some 'words', "so you finally admit that you are a spoiled little prat? And Hermione taught me a few weeks ago." 

Draco placed a hand over his heart and tried to look offended, "I said I were a spoiled little prat, now I am just a prat."

Harry who sat on the second armchair tried to hide his laughter but failed when Hermione started laughing too, "that was a good one." Harry said.

Scorpius fell asleep one hour later and Pansy put him down, then there were only the two Gryffindors and the two Slytherins. They still sat where they sat before the baby fell asleep.

"Pansy told me that you move back here, may I ask why and where is Lady Malfoy?" Harry was such a Gryffindor, always right out with his thoughts.

"Ah, did she? Consider yourself glad that I am in a quiet relaxed mood right now... Ex-Lady Malfoy stayed in Italy, and I move back here because I am divorced and I missed the English." He took a sip of his tea, which was for sure cold.

Wait, "You are divorced?" She spoke before she could stop herself. She knew he had a child, it was all over the paper, but she didn't know he was divorced. How many surprises would he have? "Yes divorced as in we are no longer married"

"Not even I knew about it until he send me an owl two weeks ago," Pansy said, she was leaning against Hermione's shoulder and looped her arm through hers. "How come that I didn't read about it in the papers?" Draco chuckled, "I own all papers in England and I didn't want any attention on me or my son so I made sure no papers would write about it." Of course, Draco Malfoy Head of House Black and Head of House Malfoy owned all papers in England, he probably owns more than one vault in Gringotts.


Scorpius woke when they finished eating their brunch and Pansy was happier than ever. She entered the kitchen with Scorpius on her hip and she started talking to him. It warmed Hermione's heart. "Will I ever get my son back or did you claim him?" Draco joked and Harry giggled. This scene was so surreal for Hermione, Draco being nice to be around, Harry not trying to kill Draco and Pansy talking to a mini-Draco.

"No, you won't get him back, but I will have to give him to you now because aunt Pansy has to use the loo." She handed over the baby to his father and the baby did something that surprised everyone, even Merlin himself. Scorpius reached out with his arms to Hermione, who sat next to Draco at the table. "Oh look, my son betrays me, he wants to go over to the lion," he looked at his son and then at Hermione, "Would you mind? He usually gets what he wants." He smiled and Hermione looked at him, then at the baby who smiled at her with his arms still reaching out for her, "I mean if that's okay, I would love to, he's too cute to say no" her voice was soft and Draco handed over the baby, who got hold of her curls immediately. He pulled at her curls and made sounds that confirmed his happiness.

"He likes you, I've never seen him that comfortable with someone else who isn't me or his aunts." Draco's voice was almost a whisper and he crossed his arms in front of his chest, watching her with his son in her arms.

Scorpius felt so warm in her arms and she knew now how Pansy felt about him, she never wanted to give him away - it's been two minutes and she already loved this baby.

"How come you are so adorable.."

"Because he has my genes, Granger. I thought you were the Brightest Witch of our age?"

"Look your daddy is being the prat he was in Hogwarts, do you want me to tell you the story where he was turned into a ferret or when I punched his handsome face?"

Harry who did the dishes, burst out of laughter, "Oh I want to tell him the ferret story!" 

"Handsome face huh?" There was the smirk again.

"Oh Malfoy, you are in luck that scorp is here or else I would've performed what I did in the third year."


Chapter end.

Yes, my chapters are rather short but I have trouble writing lately. I do hope you liked this chapter though and I hope I'll see you at chapter four.
Let's build some tension in the next chapter shall we?
English isn't my first language.

Find my Instagram - nathaliersn
Find my ao3- nathaliesn



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