Chapter 21: Ultimate Headache

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A/N That's a picture of Snickers by the way. Enjoy this chapter!

Jason smiled weakly at me. "Thank you, Ana, for being truthful with me." I returned the smile while saying, "No problem."

Out of the blue, my phone dinged and rang and vibrated in my back pocket. I slipped the phone out and opened the text. As my eyes scanned the words, I let out a little, "Oh, shit."

"What's the matter?" Jason asked. I looked up at him, took his arm, and began to drag him towards the Comic Couple. "Ana? What's wrong?" Jason repeated while stumbling after me.

Ash and Leia looked up at us and stood up, seeing my frantic face. "What's up?" Leia questioned with a puzzled look. "Jesse's going back to my house, and if he sees we're not there..." I started, letting them complete the sentence in their minds.

After processing for a bit, the Comic Couple shot up and bolted towards the mall entrance. I went in the opposite direction with Jason calling out to me, "Wrong way!" "I'll meet you at the car!" I responded.

I skidded to a stop in front of Adam and Bianca. I smiled sweetly at Bianca and told her, "Stop acting like you're not having fun. I know you like him. I could see it in your eyes."

She looked up at me with her big, brown eyes and blinked twice, probably wondering who the hell I was.

"Adam, hate to break it to you, but we got to get going. Now," I said, turning to him. Adam nodded, quickly scribbling something on a piece of paper and sliding it to Bianca.

"Goodbye, sweetheart," Adam uttered to Bianca before giving her a quick peck on the cheek. She rolled her eyes at him, but as soon as his back was turned, a wide grin spread across her features.

"She's just playing hard to get,"I informed Adam as we ran towards the mall doors.

He smiled as he told me, "I will get her, no matter how hard I have to work."
* * *
Kane's POV
This amnesia thing is freaking annoying. Random people walk up to me on the street and are like, "Oh, how are you doing?" I just smile politely and nod my head at the person I must've known.

Meanwhile, all I'm thinking is, Great, except for the fact that a whole year of my life is missing from my brain.

I was currently driving around, trying to recover the missing year. I would've been at home watching Netflix, as usual, if it wouldn't have been for my mom. She told me to quit going through my phone which, surprisingly, had survived the crash.

My phone still had its memory when I didn't. Not fair at all.

After cruising around for a while and remembering nothing, I found myself at none other than Ana's house. If I was going to remember anything, it would be with her.

She was the only one that sparked a flash of recognition from the missing year.

Her car wasn't in the driveway. Maybe it was in the garage.

After I pulled into the driveway, I checked my phone to see the time and check if my mother called or texted me. I smiled at the amazing picture of Ana set as my background.

She was in the middle of laughing, her smile crinkling the corner of her eyes. I don't know where we were, but she was sitting by a window. The sun was peeking through the window, lighting up Ana's eyes. This caused brown to melt into golden rays.

Out of all the pictures I had of her on my phone, and there were a lot, this one was my favorite. I understood why I set that picture as my background even though I don't remember taking it.

A sharp pain shot through my head and I squeezed my eyes shut. Flashes of that day were burnt on my eyelids. I remembered walking into a café with my hand intertwined with her's.

I remember the two of us dancing as a slow song played throughout the café. I remember twirling her and pulling her towards me to place a sweet kiss on her lips.

I remember the exact moment I took the picture and the joke I told her to make her laugh.

I remember clinking our coffee cups together and saying, "Happy anniversary."

I got out of my car clutching my head as the ultimate headache pounded my skull. I stumbled towards her door, gritting my teeth through the pain.

I knocked on the wooden door three times and rang the doorbell. Nobody answered. Another sharp pain shot through my skull and I clenched my fists.

The spare key, I remembered. I fell to my knees in front of the potted plant and brushed away the soil until my fingers wrapped around cool metal.

I fumbled with the spare key and unlocked the door with shaking hands.

I burst through the door and slammed it behind me.

As I lay on the couch that smelled so much like Ana, I realized the missing year was no longer missing.

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