Chapter 24: Mom?

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"Ugh! What the hell am I going to wear?" I complained. I've been counting down the days until Friday. Three more days. I have this mixed feeling of excitement and nervousness.

A part of me hopes he will finally remember me. The other part doubts it.

I sigh as I plop oh my bed, reaching for my phone. I'll text Sabrina for help.

Me: Sabrina, I need ur help. Can u come over?

I clicked send and a couple minutes later, my phone vibrated.

Sabrina: Sry. I can't.
Me: Y not?
Sabrina: I'm busy.
Me: With what?
Sabrina: I'm sry, Ana. I've just got a lot of stuff 2 do.
Me: Ok.

I feel like she's been avoiding me lately. In fact, I think everyone has. No one is returning my calls or texts, not even when I asked Kane what café we were going to. So much for friends.

I entertained myself the next couple of hours by watching Netflix.

At around five o'clock in the evening, my doorbell rang.

I guess Sabrina finally decided to show up.

I scurried downstairs, ready to confront her.

As I swung open the front door my jaw dropped on to the tile floor. It definitely wasn't Sabrina.

"Mom?" I gasped in shock.

Her light brown eyes that resembled mine gazed at me. Her brown curls fell on her shoulders with strands of gray hair here and there. She smiled so wide there were crinkles by her eyes as she greeted, "Ana, my dear daughter."

I jumped into her arms and clung to her tightly. "I missed you so much," I whispered, close to tears.

I felt tear drops hit my shoulder as she responded, "I missed you more."

We pulled apart after a couple of minutes. By then, tears were streaming down both of our cheeks.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had to move to New York for your business," I asked curiously while wiping my eyes and inviting her in.

"They told me I could move back to California. I was going to go back to Los Angeles, but I remembered you moved to Malibu," she informed me while taking a seat on my couch.

I then asked her, "Why didn't you call me?" My mother gripped my hand before answering, "I wanted to surprise you."

"You know I don't care much for surprises," I laughed. "I know, honey," she giggled with me. "You always have to know everything."

"I remember this time when you were little, it was going to be your eighth birthday. Sabrina's mom and I were planning a surprise party for you. I left you at the house with a babysitter while I went and helped plan your party."

"When you left, I demanded the babysitter to follow you," I continued the story for her.

"When you got to the building your party was going to be held, we were just finishing. You bounded up to me, and since you knew that was were parties were held, you size me if I was having a surprise party for you."

I laughed, thinking about my mother's reaction.

"The poor babysitter was begging me not to fire her! She said you wouldn't stop screaming until she agreed to take you to me!"

I laughed even harder, remembering how I screamed my lungs out.

"I was forced to tell you the truth. However, you promised to act surprised when it happened," my mom finished.

We were both laughing our asses off as she said the last words.

"Anyways," she started, trying to stifle her laughs, "how are you and that boy you were seeing? Kane was his name, right?"

The mood shifted from cheery to depressed in a matter of milliseconds.

"Ana?" my mother asked cautiously, taking my hand. "Bad breakup, sweetheart?" I laughed through the sadness and told her, "I guess you could say that."

I folded my legs underneath me and faced my mom. I sighed before meeting her eyes.

"Story time."

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