Chapter 14: Mine

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Kane's POV *Flashback*
I wrung my sweaty palms in nervousness. She's going to be here any minute. I adjusted the guitar in my lap and prayed silently that this would go well.

"Kane!" a beautiful voice called out. A smile quickly grew on my face. "Kane! Are you there?" she called out again.

"Over here, Pretty Brown Eyes!" I called back to her.

Ana Hamilton, the most beautiful girl in the world, emerged from the trees. She was wearing all black. An Adidas long sleeve shirt captured her frame while black skinny jeans clung to her legs. Lastly, a black beanie slouched on the top of her head.

Her brown curls bounced at her shoulders with her gorgeous eyes alight with excitement.

Most guys want the complete opposite of Ana, slutty, fake. I'm different.

"Hey," she greeted. I smiled in response, to nervous to speak. "Are you okay?" Ana asked in concern. I nodded as I plopped on a rock by the pond with my guitar in my lap.

"This clearing is absolutely beautiful," she gushed while taking it all in. "Just like you," I blurted without thinking. She laughed at my outburst and plopped down next to me.

Ana pointed to my guitar as she questioned, "Are you going to play?" "Oh, yeah," I answered while snapping out of a trance I didn't even know I was in.

I strummed the first chords of "Heartbreak Girl" by 5 Seconds of Summer, a band the both of us love, and a smirk grew on her face.

As I finished the song, I rehearsed my plan in my mind one last time.

"That was amazing," she breathed. I shot her a nervous grin and her eyes narrowed.

"Seriously, are you alright?" she asked worriedly. I nodded my head and stuttered, "I-I just wanted to ask you something."

I felt her small hand slip into mine and my pulse raced. "You can ask me anything, Kane," she whispered. I nodded again but no words escaped my mouth.

Ana nudged me with her elbow, egging me on.

This is it, Kane. Pull yourself together.

With my free hand, I slipped a silver dream catcher necklace with a turquoise feather out of my pocket.

"Ana," I started, "all year I've been waiting for an opportunity to day this. You have no idea how much I love you. Will you be mine?"

A smile quickly grew across her beautiful face. "How could I say no?" she joked.

She turned around and lifted her curls up we I slipped the necklace around her neck and closed the clasp.

"It's beautiful," she whispered. "A beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl," I said as I kissed her nose.

Ana Hamilton was finally mine.

*End of Flashback*

"I gave that necklace to you the day you became my girlfriend," I breathed.

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