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I grunted as I felt a small body plop on top of me and whisper, "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy."

"Griffin Mason Donovan, get off of me. You're hurting me," I gasped before I felt my five-year-old son roll off of me.

"Griffin, buddy, turn on the lights for me. My hands are full," Kane ordered.

I heard the pitter-patter of Griffin's bare feat on the hardwood floors before he flicked the switch, illuminating my bedroom.

"No," I moaned, pulling the sheets over my head and squeezing my eyes shut.

"Get up, Mommy! I made breakfast for you!" Griffin yelled while nudging me gently. Kane cleared his throat causing Griffin to add, "Daddy helped."

The smell of waffles and syrup entered my nose, begging me to sit up.

"Hold the tray for me. Don't drop it," I heard Kane tell Griffin.

Oh no.

The sheets were ripped from my grasp and the light temporarily blinded me.

I felt a slight weight on me before my eyes adjusted. I saw Kane's fingers dancing across my swollen belly which caused me to squeal.

"I'm up! I'm up! Kane, stop!" I begged through laughs.

I felt the baby growing in my stomach give a little kick as Kane flopped on the bed next to me.

"She's kicking," I told Kane with my hands over my stomach.

"Let me feel," he said before placing his hands over mine. I smiled as I saw Kane's eyes light up and a grin break out on his face in delight as he felt our unborn daughter flail her little feet.

"Can I feel, too?" Griffin asked with his big, chocolate brown eyes widening.

"Of course, baby," I told him. "Hand me the waffles first."

Griffin placed my plate of waffles in my hands before climbing on to the bed.

"Ouch," I gasped as his knee collided with my stomach.

"I'm sorry, Mommy!" he apologized quickly while moving off of me.

"It's okay. You should apologize to Emma," I told him while shifting my body to get comfortable.

Griffin placed a kiss a little bit above my belly button before saying, "I'm sorry, Emma. I will never hurt you again. I love you."

I ruffled my son's brown hair and told him, "That was sweet, kiddo."

We were interrupted by the phone ringing which my husband picked up quickly.


He turned to me and said, "It's Sabrina."

"Hold my waffles," I commanded as he handed me the phone.

"What's up, Bina?"" I answered.

"Someone wants to tell you something," Sabrina told me before I heard her pass the phone to somebody else.

"Happy Mommy's Day, Auntie Ana!" the voice of Sabrina's three-year-old daughter, Riley, said through the phone.

"Thank you so much, sweetheart!" I thanked the little girl.

I heard a little commotion over the phone before I heard Sabrina's voice again.

"I'll talk to you later. Nate just finished making pancakes."

"Okay. I got to eat my waffles, anyways. Bye," I said.

I heard the click as she hung up and I took my waffles back from Kane.

"Did you bring whipped cream?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course I did," he laughed while handing me the container.

"Awesome," I said while balancing my plate on my big stomach.

"The perks of being pregnant," I snickered while spraying the fluffy cream over my waffles.

Suddenly, I heard a few thumps and slight jingling.

Snickers bounded into the room panting before leaping on to the bed and laying at my feet.

"Snickers!" Griffin shrieked in delight before tackling the old Rottweiler who didn't budge.

I cut off a huge chunk of my waffles and shoved it in my mouth, spilling a little bit of whipped cream on my shirt.

I felt Kane plant a loving kiss on my forehead, his lips lingering just a bit.

"I love you, Pretty Brown Eyes."

"I love you, Kane," I mumbled through a mouthful of food that almost fell out.

Kane and Griffin broke out into fits of laughter before I swallowed my food and joined in.

The End.

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