Chapter 17: Pretty Brown Eyes

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"Hey, Ana!" Kane greeted as I walked through the door. "I made dinner!" I smiled weakly in return and he frowned. "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?" he rambled in concern. I waved him off. "He didn't hurt me. I'm fine," I lied.

Kane didn't look convinced.

"So, what did you make for dinner?" I asked, trying to change the topic. He beamed and set a bowl of steaming spaghetti and meatballs in front of me. My stomach made a dying whale noise.

Kane chuckled and I felt the warmth in my cheeks. "Well? Eat it!" Kane laughed. I immediately dug in, twirling my fork and shoving noodles in my mouth.

"Mmm," I mumbled, savoring the flavor. "This is delicious," I mumbled with my mouth full. "So lady-like," Kane chuckled. I swallowed loudly and rolled my eyes.

"Seriously, this is delicious," I told him. He flashed a smile in thanks. I gulped down some meatballs before asking, "Where's everybody else?"

"They went home," he answered, picking up my empty bowl and setting it in the sink. "Why didn't you?" I questioned curiously, propping my chin on the palm of my right hand.

Kane smiled at the ground before looking back up and answering, "I wanted to make sure you got home safe, seeing as you went to visit your psycho ex who tried to kill me."

"Aw, so sweet," I cooed softly, walking over to him. He gazed deeply into my eyes and my heart banged against my ribcage.

Out of the blue, a look of realization dawned on Kane. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I called, "Kane? Are you okay?"

"The first day we met," he murmured in an almost inaudible voice. "What?" I asked. I literally have no idea what's going on.

"The first day we met!" he exclaimed, jumping up and down like an excited puppy. "I don't follow," I informed him.

"Ana!" he burst out, "I remember the first day we met! That's the day I gave you your nickname, Pretty Brown Eyes!"

I grinned like an idiot, remembering that day all too well.


I walked through the halls of my new high school clutching my things while searching for locker 392. I muttered the number over and over again under my breath in order not to forget it. I kept my eyes on the lockers, not watching where I was going. That was a mistake I wouldn't regret making.

I collided head with someone's chest and the two of us toppled to the floor with whoever I rammed into below me.

I gazed into someone's chocolate brown eyes. "S-sorry," I stuttered awkwardly. "That's alright," the boy laughed. I smiled slightly. He took a labored breath.

"It would be better if you got off of me, Pretty Brown Eyes," he gasped. My eyes widened in realization and I removed myself from him, brushing myself off.

I raised my eyebrows at him as he got up and asked," Pretty Brown Eyes?" He flashed a heart-warming smile as he responded, "Yeah. I don't know your name and your eyes were the first thing I saw."

I giggled as I stuck my hand out to him. "I'm Ana." He smiled again making butterflies erupt in my stomach.

He shook my hand as he told me, "Beautiful name. However, I'm going to stick with Pretty Brown Eyes." I laughed at his statement. "By the way, I'm Kane."

*End of Flashback *

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