Chapter 25: Friday Eve

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The wonderful aroma of eggs and bacon flooded my nostrils on Thursday morning. Man, I love my mom being here. I flung the covers off my body before racing downstairs for food.

The aroma grew stronger as I skidded to a stop in the kitchen. Well, attempted to stop. I slid across the floor in my red, fluffy socks before nearly crashing into a counter.

My mom laughed at my clumsiness while she stirred in a the bacon with the scrambled eggs. "Do you mind flipping that tortilla for me, sweetheart?" she asked.

"Sure," I answered before taking a spatula off the counter and flipping the tortilla to the other side.

I loved how my mother was treating me even after I told her my story.

Most people would treat me like a fragile, China doll that could shatter at the slightest touch.

My mother was not like most people. Yes, she did hold me when I cried. Yes, she did stroke my hair while whispering comforting words in my ear.

She didn't avoid talking about Kane or anything that has to do with him. She didn't act like she was walking on eggshells when she spoke to me. My mother knew I was tough enough to get through this.

"So, I was thinking we could go shopping today," my mom told me while serving both of us bacon and egg tacos.

"Sure. What's the occasion?" I asked her through a mouthful of delicious bacon and eggs. "Well, tomorrow, you're going out with that boy, right?" she asked.

I nodded my head slowly.

"I," she started, a smile forming on her face,"am going to buy you something to wear that will remind him of why he loved you in the first place."
* * *
"So, where is Kane going to take you tomorrow?" my mom asked through a mouthful of Dippin' Dots. "He told me coffee but hasn't told me what café or anything yet," I responded over the loud crowds.

"Well," she started, "we'll buy something that will make you look good anywhere! Then, my mom finished off her ice cream as I was finishing mine, grabbed my arm, and dragged me to the nearest store.

She continued to haul me to the section for dresses and I groaned out loud. "Mom! You know how I feel about dresses!" I whined. "Yes, I know you dislike them, sweetheart, but this boy is going to have a heart attack once he sees you!"

I groaned again as she seized countless dresses in her arms before scurrying off towards the dressing rooms with me dragging my feet behind her.
* * *
"Nope," my mother told me as I stood in front of her in a hot pink (a color I despised) dress. "Mom, can we please stop shopping for dresses?" I complained. "No!" she responded. "I think I saw a dress you may like over by the register. Wait here."

I walked back into the dressing room, stripped off the horrid dress, and waited for my mother to return.

Five minutes later, I heard the clicking of her heels before she passed me a dress over the top of the door saying, "I have a good feeling about this one."

I grasped the metal hook of the hangar and examined the dress.

The dress was black and stopped a bit above my knee. It flowed at the bottom and had a red belt that went around my waist. The top was button-up and the sleeves were long. It was laced and see-through across my shoulders and collar bones.

I skipped it on over my head before tying the belt around my waist and buttoning the top. I rolled the sleeves up to my elbows and enjoyed the comfortable fabric. I gazed at myself in the mirror and smiled. Maybe dresses weren't so bad.

"Honey?" my mom called as she knocked on the door. "Are you almost ready?"

I turned around, opened the door for her, and grinned. "You like this one, don't you?" she questioned. I just fiddled with the belt and said, "Yes."

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