Chapter 26: Sticky Notes

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AN: I'd like to thank one of my best friends, SabrinaWinters07 , for helping me with this chapter and reading and voting for every chapter. Love you, Bina! 😘

Today was Friday. It was already 5:30 p.m. and I still received no word from Kane. I texted him hundreds of thousands of times without a single answer.

I was absolutely furious at him. Why if he lead me on and then completely ignore me? How could he? The Kane I knew would never do that to anyone.

I was about to tell my mom to cook dinner for me too when my phone chimed with a text message.

The message was from Kane and contained only two words that read, "Get ready."

"About time," I mumbled to myself before setting my phone down.

I quickly peeled off my sweat pants and t-shirt and picked up my new dress. I slipped it on over my head before buckling the belt around my waist and buttoning up the front.

I released my hair from its ponytail and let it fall in its natural curls on my shoulders. I then slipped on a pair of plain, black flats. As I stood in front of the mirror staring at my reflection I said, "A little lipgloss won't hurt."

After applying some lipgloss, I gazed at my reflection again. Something was missing.

I snapped my fingers in realization before digging out my signature black beanie and placing it on top of my head. "That's better," I complimented myself.

I scurried downstairs with my phone in hand before sitting down in the living room.

"Wow, Ana," came my mother's voice as she strolled into the living room. "You look good. The hat is a nice touch."

"Thank you, Mommy," I responded.

"What time is Kane going to pick you up?" she asked. I shrugged my shoulders before saying, "Just texted me to get ready."

At that moment, the doorbell rang. I picked myself up off the couch and smoothed out my dress before nervously strutting towards the door.

I laid my hand on the cool metal of the doorknob, took a deep breath, and swung open the door.

My heart sank as my eyes landed on nobody. "Damn you, ding-dong ditchers," I cursed under my breath.

I cast my eyes downward and saw a single red rose with a yellow sticky note stuck to its stem lying on the floor.

I stepped outside before bending down and picking up the rose. I peered around my front lawn and saw nothing.

Then, I peeled off the sticky note before reading it. In red marker it read, "Even the prettiest of things have thorns."

A smile spread across my face in an instant after reading the quote.

"Mom, come here!" I called.

I heard the sound of my mother's approaching footsteps before I felt her peer over my shoulder.

"I think you're supposed to follow them," she told me as she pointed to another sticky note on a playground across the street.

I nodded and smiled before saying, "Then, I should get going. Bye, Mom." "Bye, sweetheart. Stay out as long as you want," she responded.

I power-walked across the street before coming to a stop in front of the playground turtle with the sticky note.

"Even the toughest shells can shatter and reveal a vulnerable side," it read.

A loud car honk startled me after I read the note.

I turned around to see a lime green hero with a certain black-haired girl behind the steering wheel.

"Get in, loser!" Sabrina yelled at me with another honk.

I laughed as I jogged over to the curb where Sabrina waited. I yanked open the door before climbing in and asking, "This is why you've been avoiding me?"

"We've all been in on Kane's surprise, honey," she told me as she pressed on the gas pedal.

"What is this surprise, anyways?" I asked curiously. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise," she responded.

I moaned and begged but she wouldn't budge.

After some driving, Sabrina came to a sudden stop in the city and pulled over. "Get out," she commanded. "Okay," I responded before getting out of the jeep.

I stood on the sidewalk as she said, "Here, take this. I almost forgot to give this to you." She handed me another sticky note before speeding away.

It read, "A relationship without trust is like a car without gas. You can stay in it all you want, but it won't go anywhere."

"Follow me," a voice from behind me demanded. A yelp escaped my lips and I jumped about a foot in the air.

I clutched my chest as Nate told me, "Relax, Ana. It's just me." "You scared me, Nate!" I laughed while swatting his shoulder.

Nate led me down the sidewalk past shops and restaurants before coming to a stop. He stood directly in front of me, blocking my view of our destination.

He pressed another sticky not into my palm.

Written on the sticky note were two simple words, "I remember."

My breath caught in my throat and my heart soared. He remembered.

I glanced up to find that Nate had disappeared and was no longer blocking my view.

I stood in front of the exact same coffee house Kane and I celebrated our first anniversary at.

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