Chapter 23: Planning

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Kane's POV
As I pulled on to the highway after leaving Ana's house, I dialed Sabrina's number and let it hook up to the Bluetooth. The ringing sounded from my speakers in my car.

After the third ring, Sabrina's voice filled my car. "Hello, Kane," she greeted. "Hey, Sabrina. Where are you?" I demanded. "I'm at Nate's house. Why are you asking?" She questioned. Evading her question, I told her, "I'll be there in ten minutes."
* * *
I shot into Nate's driveway, slamming on the brakes as I almost collided with his garage door. Excitement tingled through my body as I jogged to the front door and knocked.

The door swung open as my hand was in mid-air, waiting for more knocking.

My eyes locked with Sabrina's fierce gray ones and I slowly lowered my hand.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with her jaw locked. "No time for questions," I countered as I slipped through the front door.

As I power-walked to the living room, Sabrina called out, "Wait!" I skidded to a stop when I reached the living room with Sabrina knocking into me from behind.

On the couch lay none other than Nathan Garcia without a shirt on, his hair disheveled, and his pants hung low on his hips.

"Oh," I started with a smirk, "did I interrupt something?" Sabrina's cheeks flared bright red and I shot a wink at Nate.

"N-no, you didn't," Sabrina stuttered, her fierceness from before gone. I nodded my head and bit my lip to prevent myself from bursting into hysterical laughter.

A small snicker escaped my lips, causing Sabrina to smack my bicep and glare.

"So, why are you here?" asked Nate to distract Sabrina from her murderous thoughts.

The smirk I had etched on my face wiped away to be replaced with a serious look. The mood quickly spread to the couple.

"I remember," I spit out after a moment of silence.

The couple sat staring at me, unblinking, for about three seconds.

After some processing, Sabrina shot up from the couch like a rocket. "Everything?" she asked.

"Every damn thing," I replied slowly.

"Holy shit!" she exclaimed, her eyes filled with delight. "I got to tell Ana!" Before she could dial Ana's number, I snatched the phone out of her hands.

"Hey!" she complained as she lunged for her phone, but I held it high above my head. "Not fair! You're taller then me!"

"We can't tell Ana. At least, not yet," I told her, slowly lowering her cell phone.

"Why not?" Nate asked.

I smirked as I told him," Because we've got some planning to do."

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