Chapter 36 - Prey

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"...-ynne.... Glynne!"

Glynne woke up in the middle of the night while breathing heavily and soak in sweat. He look to his side to see Theresa with a worried look on her face.

"Glynne, are you alright?" Theresa asked as Glynne took his time to calm himself down first.

"... Yeah, it's just that... I have a nightmare." Glynne replied as he slowly got up. Looking around the old traditional Japanese room, it reminded of him that the loop has started once again.

Looking the gloomy look on his face, Theresa had guessed what on the young man's mind. She approaches him from behind and hugged him. "Have you dreamed about it again? I keep telling you, it isn't your fault."

"I know... It's just that, if I could have paid more attention back then then maybe—" Glynne turned silent when he felt Theresa's embraced tighten. He realized what he is doing and immediately apologizes.

"You know, if it's really bothering you, you could talk it to me." Theresa suggested.

Glynne didn't reply immediately as he hesitates if it is really okay for him to tell her. He slowly reached for her arms on his shoulders, only to pause as he clenches them.

"Would you give me time to think about it?" Glynne responded as he grabbed and removed Theresa's arms on him before facing her.

"Is that so, then I'll be waiting." Theresa said and sighed. Glynne hang his head down for a bit before giving his words of gratitude. "Anyways, it still in the middle of the night. We should sleep for now and think of something again tomorrow."

"Ah, you can go first. I want to go outside to clear my mind for now." Glynne said while scratching his jaw.

Theresa showed an understanding smile. "Make sure to not stay up late, okay."

"Yeah" Glynne nodded before standing up.


Due to him focusing all his attention to the rampaging giant fox in front of him, he failed to notice the Herrscher taking control of Sakura's body behind him. Thanks to Kallen pushing him away, he was unhurt but because of it, she was the one who got stabbed instead.

He quickly rushed to her side but because of the fatal injury, he was not able to do anything. In the end, her death begun the loop once again.

Walking deep into the forest, Glynne took a deep breath. He took down to his hands as he open and close it repeatedly. The feeling of Kallen dying in his arms is still fresh on his mind.

Clenching his teeth in frustration, he can't help but blame himself. He calmed himself down as he brought out his blade out of his interdimensional pocket.

After witnessing Kallen's death by his side, the memory of his back before he met Theresa begun to plague him. Right now, he want clear his mind about it. However, he don't think it's possible to do it by simply breathing in fresh air.

Looking towards the forest, he could only think of only one way how.

On cue, an Archangel Honkai beast appeared from the trees. Glynne immediately swung his blade and cut the beast in two.

"Not enough..." He muttered. Waiting for a honkai beast to come attack is extremely inefficient. If that is going to be the case, he had no choice but to actively hunt for them. He increased his pace as his eyes lit up.


Kill, kill, kill.... It is the only thing that runs through Glynne's mind at the moment. Cutting them to pieces, blasting a hole through their bodies, absorbing them till the last drop; the honkai beast are killed in many different ways.

A Certain Boy and Summer of Memories (A Honkai Impact 3rd Fanfiction) Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now