Chapter 19 - Protect

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"Eh, you want to teach me?" Glynne asked, dumbfounded at the declaration. He wanted to make sure if he heard it right, looking at Sakura face it seems to be the case. He pulled out his sword from a fallen honkai and wiped the fluids on its blade before sheathing it. "...Why?"

Sakura looked at him with unamused eyes. She told him about her watching his fight a while ago. She expressed her dissatisfaction with his lack of skills, especially since a life was entrusted to him.

He could only smile bitterly in response. He was awfully aware of that fact but someone else pointing it out hit differently. It cannot be helped, he never had any training regarding how to handle bladed weapons. All he could do was to swing and hope it will cut. "...T-then I would appreciate it. To be honest, I'm also troubled by it."

Sakura raises an eyebrow as his last sentence got her attention. "If you are aware about it then please be mindful about your actions. If you act like you want to save everyone else then you need to back it up."

Glynne was surprised at her sudden strict tone. He stared at her eyes and noticed something. Guilt? Anger? Regret? Sadness? He can't pinpoint what it was but he could imagine that something might have happen in the past. He scratched his head as he let out a sigh of defeat. "Sorry, I'll be careful next time."

"Good" Sakura nodded her head as she turned around. She closed her eyes and her bunny ears begun to twitch around. Glynne again became curious. Are they real or are they not? He wanted to touch and inspect them. How did she get them? By birth? Genetic modification? The boy tilted his head as question marks keep on appearing above his head. "I am done scanning the area. It appears that every monsters have been subjugated inside the forest."

"... Oh," Glynne put a hand on his chin. It seems like her ears can picked up sounds from hundreds of meters away, similar to that of an animal.

"Are you paying attention?" Sakura's displeased tone was able to snap him back. She watched him looked around the place, seemingly confused.

"Ah, y-yes I'm properly paying attention." Glynne said with a bitter smile.

Sakura narrowed her eyes in suspicion. However, she let it pass and begun walking. "Anyways, you're training starts tomorrow. Please go wash yourself and rest for today."

Being reminded of his current state, Glynne looked down to see his messy appearance. He let out a huge sigh as he agrees with her advice. He then proceeded to follow her back. However, he stop for a bit as he remembered something. "Right, I should report about this to Milady..."


"I see, you did well." Theresa nodded as she reached out her hands to the boy's head. He don't exactly know what to feel about it but he just shrugged his shoulders and shift his focus on his weapon that was in front of him. "With this, we have some progress in our investigation."

Glynne didn't reply for a bit as he is doing some finishing touch on the maintenance of his tachi. He moved it aside before he brought out his two handguns. "...Speaking of progress, how's your side Milady. Did you get anything from Miss Kallen?"

"Unfortunately, I still got nothing." Theresa said and shakes her head. "It's hard to try her open up to me. I feel like she has her guard up against me for some reason."

"Hmm..." Glynne put a hand below his chin as he tries to think about it. "Is it because you two look identical?"

"Ehhh, really?!" Theresa shouted before she held her head. "Muu, and here I thought I could use it to gain some sense of familiarity."

"Well even though we could change clothes and all, the fact that our face and name is not from this place. It won't be a surprised if those two think that we are some kind of runaway noble and her servant who came from another country and tries to hide here." Glynne stated as he goes back to cleaning his handgun. "Odds are Miss Kallen is suspicious of us if we know her. Milady said that she is hiding right? So running into someone who knows her is something she must avoid."

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