Chapter 40: City in Blaze

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Sirens keep on blaring all over the city as holographic warning signs spread all over the streets. All civilians are currently being evacuated to the underground shelters by the military. It was then that a huge explosion happened over the distance as few people became terrified and worried.

"Everyone, please proceed with the evacuation and do not stop." One of the soldiers urged the terrified civilians in order for the evacuation to be not delayed any further. With no other choice, the terrified civilians continued on their way.

As the evacuation proceeded, another explosion happened, only this time a lot closer. The crowd soon became unrest with the approaching danger as signs of panic soon appear one after another.

"I don't wanna die...I don't wanna die...I don't wanna die..." a terrified civilian repeatedly muttered like a broken record. Perhaps reaching the limit of their patience, she quickly tries to cut in line. However, she was stopped when someone grab her on the shoulder.

"Ma'am, I advise not to do that." The one who stopped the terrified civilian was a Valkyrie. The civilian shrunk under the pressure the Valkyrie was emitting as she immediately back down. The Valkyrie let a sigh as she watch them return to their original line,

"You have your work cut out for you huh, Mina-chi." The voice of her teammate came through her earpiece as they commented on the Valkyrie's situation.

"Can't be help, it's the protocol that we B-ranks must prioritized the evacuation of citizens first." Mina stated but she cannot fully hide her dissatisfaction.

"Fufufu, Mina-chi is a battle junkie as always." Her teammate remarked as Mina reddened in embarrassment.

"Would you please stop joking around?" Mina reprimanded her teammate. "Anyways, what's the situation on your side, Racheal?"

"Area is clear, there's no hostile on sight." Racheal reported but as she was about to continue her survey, her ears pick up buzzing sounds. She immediately raise up her rifle as an Archangel Honkai beast appeared below her.

She raised her eyebrows as the honkai beast looks different than the Archangel Honkai beast that she had dealt with in the past. The outer skin was reddish in color instead of white and instead of the purple glow, the lines on their body is letting out a reddish orange light.

Racheal was confused but she did not give it any other thoughts. She just shrugged it off, thinking that it is not any different from the honkai beast of its kind.

... And that, she was half-right. Firing multiple bullets on its head had done the trick like she expected. However, what she had not expected is what would happen after its death. Upon falling to the floor, the orange Archangel Honkai beast's body lit up as a flame pillar erupted from the place. Racheal was not able to hold her ground and got blown away to a nearby wall, knocking her out.

"Racheal, are you okay?!" Mina's voice came through the knocked out Valkyrie's earpiece as she was worried about the explosion she just heard from her teammate's direction.

However, she did not received any response. Having no other choice, she contacted the other member of her team. "Sara, please go check on Racheal's situation."

"Already on the way." It was an immediate reply as Mina nodded. If only the evacuation would proceed any faster she would have been the one to go and check. Having a bad premonition, her hand unconsciously move to her sword's grip.


"Captain, the evacuation is proceeding smoothly." A Hyperion crew reported.

"Good," Himeko nodded as she watched the screen. With the civilians now evacuated, she could put all her attention on the frontlines. "Has the analyzation on the new enemy type has been completed yet?"

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