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I entered the cafe and I greeted my co-workers. I took my usual apron from the counter cabinet and wore it. I tied my hair in a messy bun and entered the kitchen. 

"Luna, could you take the counter? We don't have enough staff there" my co-worker said, and I nodded, heading over to the counter.

Customers came and I took their orders while handling some part of the kitchen. 

This job is really exhausting. After ten minutes or so of continuous work, I sat on a chair, as lesser customers came. 

I heard a notification from my phone and I instantly took it out of my pocket to check it. An unknown person with a weird phone number texted me.


I look at it confusedly. What does that mean? 

Before I could react to it or text them back, the cafeteria bell rang, indicating a customer. Not just any customer, it was the weird guy from earlier. 

I stared at him as he made his way to me. 

"I'd like to have an iced Americano with hazelnut." Mr. Wierd said. 

I nodded, without saying anything, and typed the order into the computer, while generating the bill. 

I don't know why, but I felt scared. Like he knew who I was and where I worked. 

I gave him his bill and he went to the dining area, not too far from the counter, and sat there, facing the counter. 

I went to the kitchen to give Mr. Wierd guy's order and came back to the counter. 

I took out my phone to kill my nervousness. I stared at the text message from the unknown number. Should I block them? Or should I ask them who they are? 

I kept my phone down because there was nothing to do. I constantly felt a pair of eyes on me, but I avoided looking up to the masked guy. 

"Luna, here's order 45"

I took the Americano and made my way to Mr. Wierd guy. Without making any eye contact or talking, I placed his drink on the table and turned around to leave. 

But I felt a hand on my wrist. I turned around to see Mr. Wierd guy's hand and then looked up at him. 

"Yes?" I managed to crock. I was scared as hell. I didn't know what to do or say. 

"It's something you already know," Mr. Wierd guy said, with his deep, intimidating voice, as he looked at me in the eye. He let go of my hand and I quickly went back to the counter. 

I could hear my heartbeat through my ears. 

I went inside the kitchen and held my hand over my chest while breathing unsteadily. 

"Luna, everything okay? you look scared" Namjoon, one of the staff, said. 

"there's this weird guy that bumped into me earlier and now he's here...at our shop," I said, trying not to pass out from creepiness.

"Oh my God Luna, don't worry I'll handle the counter and I'll walk you home today, okay?" Namjoon said, patting my shoulders.

"Thank you so much," I said, releasing a sigh. 

Namjoon went to the counter and I continued working in the kitchen.


"Are you sure he's gone?" I asked Namjoon.

"Yep, I checked every direction from our shop"

"Thanks again, Namjoon Oppa," I said, smiling at him. He ruffled my hair, "anything for my Lil sis"

I smiled at him and we made our way outside the cafe. Namjoon locked the door of the cafe and we went towards the street that led to my house.

"Luna, what was the guy like? did he touch you or something?" Namjoon asked me. 

I thought for a second before answering, "when I went to give him his order, he caught my hand and said something like, 'you already know it' or something, I don't really remember" 

"Hmm, be careful of such jerks, this world is getting crueler and crueler,"  He said, with his hands in his pockets. 

We talked about random things when we didn't realize we reached my home, "thank you for dropping me Namjoon Oppa" I said, bowing to him.  "take care, Luna. Call me if you want me to pick you up tomorrow as well" Namjoon said. He's just like a caring older brother. 

"sure" I smiled. We said goodbye and I went inside while he walked the other way to his home.


please not again.

"because I was working?" I said, ignoring my dad's gaze. He didn't say anything so I went up to my room to get changed. 

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