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"Don't move a muscle until I come back," Jay said to us, as he left us the car.  

We watched him disappear behind the building. 

"You think he'll be okay alone?" I asked the boys. Some of us had stayed back in the headquarters (that's what they called it, I thought it was a house but whateva) watching us from our webcams and talking to us from our microphones and only  I, Sunghoon, Ni-ki and Heeseung had come along with Jay.

"He's got nerves of steel. He'll be okay" Heeseung said. We waited for Jay for approximately ten minutes when he popped out of nowhere and signalled us to come out of the car. 

"No one's around," Jay whispered. "Come quick" 

With our guns in our hands, we got out, trying not to make noise. 

The building in front of us was fresh in my memory. My dad had taken me here when I was eight years old, thinking I wouldn't understand anything that he does and I won't remember it. 

But he was wrong. 

I gave Jay the directions to this very building from my memory, and it turned out to be the right one. 

"Do not let your gaurd down" Jay told us, and we nodded in agreement. Jay stayed by my side the entire time, until we reached the backside entrance of the building. 

"It must be locked" I guessed. "Aren't there any cameras or anything?"

"I hacked into their system and disabled everything last night, even the lock" Jay informed. 

"Wow" I exclaimed. 

Jay opened the back door (stan stray kids) and let us inside first before coming in. 

Apparently, Jay needed some important information about my dad that he wasn't able to hack from their systems. So he wanted to steal it from him directly. 

We stalked through the hallways, while Jay searched for whatever he needed (he didn't tell me what). He was rummaging through the drawers when we heard footsteps coming towards us. 

We quickly hid, some under the table and some behind the doors. Fortunately/unfortunately, I ended up cramming behind the doors with Jay. 

I heard Sunoo giggle through my earpiece. That guy was teasing me, huh? 

"I'm going to smack your ass, Kim Sunoo" I mumbled into my mic. Jay sushed me, as the door opened. 

A man came in, in a black suit, sipping alcohol. My dad. He was talking in his phone, something about meeting someone tomorrow.

I felt the urge to rush out of my hiding place, and punch every part of his body, until he died. My breathing started getting heavier and heavier, until Jay had to hold my arm in order to keep me in place. 

"Do. Not. Lose control" Jay whispered. I wiped a tear from my cheek and focused my attention on my dad. This wasn't a time to get emotional.

My dad kept some papers on the nearest table, went through his laptop and exited the room.

I quickly got out and so did the rest of us. Jay went over to the laptop and started clicking on files, searching for what he wanted. His face tensioned with worry.

After a few minutes, he finally said, "found it" and started printing it. 

He grabbed the papers and mentioned us to get out quickly. But suddenly, the door opened. 

It was my dad again. This time, he had a black bag in his hands. He looked at us, shocked, but he changed his expression to an evil one quickly.

"Well well," he said, smiling. We drew out our guns and pointed at him. 

"Who do we have here?" My dad said, stalking the room. We remained steady in our positions. 

"So you've found out about me, haven't you, daughter?" He kept the bag on one of the shelves. 

"I. Am not. You daughter," I said, with anger burning up inside me. 

"Oh, so you've changed sides?" He asked, standing in front of us. 

"One of you will have to distract him so that the rest of you can escape" Sunoo said through our earpieces. 

"I am your enemy," Jay said, "so it's me against you. Let Luna go" 

"No," I said. "We fight together, or we die" 

"Oh, so you've learnt the rules of being in a team?" My dad asked, raising his eyebrows. "I've taught you well" 

"Shut up!" I screamed, not being able to handle it anymore. "You have done nothing for me. You've only giving me endless pain and suffering" 

"Oh come on, daughter-" before he could finish, I pressed the trigger on my gun. The bullet hit him in the arm. 

"How many times do I have to tell you, I am. Not. Your. Daughter," I said. Jay looked at me, shocked. 

"So is this how you wanna play?" My dad asked, with anger building up in his face. 

He took out his own gun and pointed between me and Jay. For once, I didn't feel scared of my dad. The old Luna was gone. I am not scared of anything.  

My dad shooted and it escaped Jay by an inch. We started shooting at my dad, but he skillfully dodged every bullet. 

After trying to keep him off for a long time, we started getting slower and slower, as we started getting exhausted. 

My gun felt heavy in my hands after shooting for so long. 

A few bullets hit some of us, but the boys kept going on bravely. I made a mental note to hug each one of them when we get home. 

I panted heavily, as sweat trickled down my forehead. I glanced at Jay, who was still fighting my dad. 

He looked so attractive while shooting, that I almost got lost staring at him. 

"Luna!" I heard Sunghoon say as he tried to help Jay fight my dad. I quickly brought my attention back on shooting. 

How hard could it be? It was one against five. Yet we couldn't knock him down. 

Just then, more people started pouring in. 

"Meet my men, kids," my dad said, "they're more skilled than you. Let's see how you escape them." 

Then they started shooting towards us. I tried dodging them, but I couldn't do it for a long time. I glanced at Jay. 

He was in the same condition. His face was covered in sweat and blood, and he was one on one with my dad. 

I held off my own opponent for a long time before killing him. 

Then I heard my dad laugh. I turned to look at him. He had Jay. 

Jay was on his knees, panting hard and out of energy. My dad was pointing at Jay's head.

"No!" I shouted. I was exhausted. I fell on my knees too. 

"Watch your boyfriend get killed, little girl" my dad laughed. I started panicking. 

Jay had suffered enough at the hands of my dad. I was not going to let him suffer because of my evil dad again. 

With the last amount of energy I had left, I pushed myself in between Jay and dad, as my dad pulled the trigger. 

The last thing I saw before blacking out, was the horrified expression on both my dad's and Jay's face. 

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