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"Start her training from today" Jay said to his gang mates.

"Training? What training?" I asked. But they simply ignored me and continued talking among themselves. 

"Make sure she uses the smaller gun, in case something happens" Jay continued.

"Hey, I ain't using any gun!" I said, but again, they ignored me. 

They finally finished their discussion. One of them came to me and started draging me somewhere. 

"Hey, where are you taking me!" I asked, trying to get away from his grip. What was his name again? Heeseung. Lee Heeseung. 

"Excuse me Mr. Heeseung, please let go of me" 

Unfortunately, formality didn't work. He kept taking me somewhere. 

"Do you know how to use guns?" Heeseung finally asked, once we reached. The place was supposedly a gun shed. 

"Uhh excuse me. I don't go around killing people for fun" I said. 

"Yes or no?" He asked. Dang, these people are so boring. 

"No" I said. 

He turned back and started rummaging through the gun shed. A thought came to me. What if I run away while he's searching for guns? Yeah right. He'd just use one of the guns from the shed to kill me. 

He finally turned towards me, holding a stout, black, scarry gun. Heeseung held out the gun for me to take it. 

"There's no way I'm holding that" I said. 

"You don't have a choice" 

"Why am I even here?" I asked. 

"Can't tell" he said. 

I rolled my eyes. I took the gun from him. "After I learn to use it, the first person I'mma kill is Jay"

"He'll kill you before you even learn to hold it" heeseung told. 

"Very reassuring" 

We started from how to hold the gun. Heeseung taught me the different ways to hold it when you're in danger and need to grab hold of your gun quickly. 

Then he told me where the bullets go in. When I pressed the trigger, the bullet hit the bull's eye.

"Ha! See? There's no way Jay isn't surviving" I said and for the first time, I saw Heeseung smile. 

"I didn't know you guys knew how to smile" I said. And he ignored me. Wow great surprise. 

We continued practicing until the bullets ran out. 

"Let's continue tomorrow" Heeseung said, as he put the gun back in its place. 


"Can I at least get my phone?" 

"No" Jay replied, as we were having our dinner. 

"If I don't get a reason for me being here, I'm running away" I said. 

"Take one step out of the gates and you're dead" Jay said and I scoffed. 

We continued eating in silence. Not like they'd respond to what I ask anyways. 

"We need the whereabouts of your father" Jay finally said, as the dishes were being put away after eating. 

"Nope" I simply said. 

Jay took out his gun and pointed at me. "We. Need. The whereabouts. Of your dad." 

"Well, if you're going to blackmail me by using your dumb toy to get information from me, give up cuz I'd rather get killed than letting my dad die because of me" I said, not getting scared of his gun at all. 

"Park Luna, you do not know anything about your dad" Sunghoon said. 

"I don't" I agreed "but he's my dad" 

Jay put his gun away and they all looked at me, annoyed. Just then, I got an idea. 

"But if you tell me why I'm here and what is it with my dad, I might give you a hint or two" 

I internally smirked. Smartness is in my blood, y'all. 

"This kid is harder to deal with than we thought, hyung" Ni-ki said.

"I'm 18" I said, not being able to handle the fact that he called me a kid. "And you look like 12 yourself, so stop calling me a kid" 

"I'm 15, kid" Ni-ki said and I simply rolled my eyes. 

"What is a kid, such as yourself, doing in a place like this with such people?" I said to him, "you must be in school, running around in a playground" 

"I-" Ni-ki started, but Jay cut him off. "Enough" 

I smirked at Ni-ki as he rolled his eyes. 

"We're not here to fight for silly things" Jay said, "did you boys forget your purpose for being here?" He scolded them, and they hung their heads. 

Then he turned to me, "Park Luna" he said.

"Deal accepted. We'll tell you why you're here" 

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