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Several years later 


I miss you

Do you want to see me?

Is that even a question? 

Open the door


Don't tell me-


With a confusing nostalgia surrounding him, Jay walked towards the main door and stood before it. 

His heart raced faster every second, imagining the sight on the other side of the door. If it wasn't what he thought it was...

Without waiting any longer, Jay grabbed the handle and threw open the door. 

Standing before him, was a girl in her twenties, smiling at him. She was holding a black backpack which showed that she had come from her college. She still had her phone in her hands, with Jay's chat open. 

Without thinking twice, Jay pulled her by her collar towards him and cornered her in the wall. He pressed his lips on hers, not leaving a single molecule of air between them. 

He kissed her like a hungry tiger as if he was without food for months. In a way, he was. Kissing her greedily and selfishly only made sense. 

"Calm down," Luna said, catching her breath. Their faces were still inches away, and their bodies stuck together.

"I haven't seen you for three months, what do you expect?"

Luna chuckled and pecked her boyfriend's lips. Just then, the two of them heard a voice behind them, screaming "EXPLICIT CONTENT! EXPLICIT CONTENT!" 

"Aish, this guy," Jay sighed, rubbing his forehead. 

"Heeseung Hyung!" Ni-ki screamed and ran away like a duck on the chase. 

Luna laughed at the silliness of Ni-ki. She had a special place in her heart for him. He was just like a younger brother to Luna.

Heeseung came out of his room, confused, with Ni-ki behind him. 

"Heeeyyyy Lunaaa!" Heeseung exclaimed, throwing his arms open for a hug. Luna hugged him and Ni-ki, who was still in a confused state. 

"I thought you weren't coming until the next week?" Heeseung asked. 

"Yeah, but I thought someone must be missing me terribly so I came early," Luna remarked, turning to look at Jay, who simply scratched his head with his red cheeks. 

Heeseung and Ni-ki laughed and Jay's cheeks went redder. 

"YAH what do you expect, it's been THREE WHOLE MONTHS since I've seen you!" Jay exclaimed and punched Luna in the shoulders playfully. 

"Where are the others?" Luna asked.

Just then the main door opened and a bunch of guys came in, talking and laughing. "There they are," Jay said. 

Jake spotted Luna and instantly ran towards her. "YO LUNA WASSUP?" He screamed, gaining the attention of the others. Jake hugged her and following his lead, so did the rest of them. 

"How have you been, did you know we missed you so much?" Sunoo said dramatically and Luna chuckled at him. 

"I know, I know," Luna said. "Caught up with assignments. Hell is better than that"

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