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I'm a lil bit insecure about this chapter:// - a/n 

Park Luna

Talk about traumatic experiences. Someone randomly kidnaps you and tells you that your dad has been lying to you your entire life. 

That's what happened to me. 

"We'll tell you why you're here" Jay informed. "It's because of your dad. He's been lying to you, Luna" 

"Yeah, right," I said. 

"It's true. Tell me this, what does he do for a living?" Jay asked. 

"Uh he's a businessman" I replied.

"Sure. Kidnapping people and selling their organs. Real business" Jay said. 


Jay sighed. "Fine. If you don't believe me..." He said and disappeared inside one of the rooms. 

He came back with a big ass file in his hand. He opened it and showed me a picture of my dad. Not just any picture. My dad was handing a man a big black bag. 

"Wanna know what's inside that?" Jay asked. Without my response, he turned the page, and there it was. My dad opened the bag and there were red thingies. Organs. 

I gaged. Jay turned to the next page. The person who was buying the organs was giving my dad money. Big bundles of cash. 

"He took innocent lives, Luna," Jay said. "He doesn't deserve to live" Jay sounded sad. Like something about my dad was disturbing him.

"That's why we need your help," Jay said, looking at me. He sounded...less cold. "We need to find him and turn him over to the police"

"But then... where's the police? Why won't they arrest him?" I asked. 

"He never gets caught. This is the only evidence that we have" Jay replied, pointing at the file. "So before we show this to the police, we need to catch your Dad."

"I guess you should know this too.." Jay said. "He killed your mom" 

That was like a jab in the heart. "She was against this business of your dad," Jay said. "She tried to report him to the police, but before she could do that..." 

"He killed her" I completed. Jay nodded. "Remember that text? 1907?" 

I was confused for a bit but then I remembered that day in my workplace. When Jay had come. What that weird text with a weird number had texted. 

"It's the date when your mother died," Jay said. "I texted that to give you a bit of hint. But it looked like you couldn't decipher it" 

That was too much information to take in so I just stared at the ground. 

"But then why are you doing this job? What got you and your members in this situation?" I asked out of curiosity. 

Which I regretted the next second. 

Jay looked like he was about to cry. 

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked" I said.

"Let's get you back to your room-" Jungwon started but was cut off by Jay. 

"It's okay" he said. "I guess you deserve to know that too"

"Your dad, he kidnapped me and asked my parents money" Jay started. "My parents tried to cheat. They thought they'd rescue me first and escape without giving him money" 

"But in the process of my parents rescuing me, they got killed...your dad killed my parents" 

I was dumbfounded. My dad was a whole other person than I thought. 

"That's....that's why you said that your killed your parents" I guessed. "They died because they tried to save you" 

Jay nodded and wiped a tear. I'd been holding back my tears for the entire time. But I couldn't take it anymore. 

I felt so bad for Jay that I broke down crying. Jay instantly came and hugged me. 

Under different circumstances, I would've been shocked, but now I just cried into his chest. 

"I'm sorry Jay" I cried. "Your parents died because of my dad"

"Hey it's okay" he said. 

"I feel so bad about myself" I said in between my sobs "I know you must hate me right now" 

"No, it's not like that. That was your dad. Not you. You're not your dad" he said, rubbing my back, but I just cried harder. 

The others came and hugged me. They told me things like it wasn't my fault and we can turn him to the police. 

The entire time, Jay didn't let go of me. 

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