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The next day

I woke up a little late today because it's a Sunday. I freshened up and made my way downstairs to make breakfast for me and my dad. 

I searched for my dad in his usual place, that's in front of the tv watching the news, but surprisingly, he wasn't there today. 

I knocked on his bedroom door, but there was no response. I opened the door to look for my dad. The bed hadn't been slept in and his PJ's were folded neatly on his bed, the way I left it there before sleeping. 


I went to the living room. The tv was still on, which is weird. That means he was here till now, and he left not long ago. 

I turned to leave to the kitchen, thinking he'll be back soon when my eyes fall on the tv. 

"MafiaX makes another move to kill an innocent man," the news reporter said. "The group was spotted in an abandoned garage and allegedly tried to harm a 50-year-old man."

"The man escaped from the group of young men and hid behind a trash can and waited for the group to leave, before escaping from the place. all of this was caught on the CCTV camera, but neither the old man nor the young men's faces were seen"

 I stared at the tv screen, looking at the blur pictures of the so-called mafia group. Why does one of them look familiar? Just when I got a call from an unknown number. I picked it up and a female voice on the other end greeted me. 

"Is this Park Luna?"

"yes, that's me"

"I regret to inform you that your father was caught in an accident and is currently in the hospital"

My knees felt heavy and I slid down on the floor, with my phone falling down. 

"Hello? Ms. Park? Are you there?"

"y-yes, can you tell me which hospital he is in so that I can visit?" I said, with a trembling voice and my hands shaking.


I ran through the hallways of the hospital, to the room where my dad was. I burst open my dad's room, and I saw the scariest sight; my dad wrapped in bandages all over his body, only his face was seen. Fluids connected to his arms and nurses rushing around to give him medications and injections. I instantly burst into tears, as I made my way to my dad. 

"What happened to you?" I said, with tears all over my face, as I held my unconscious dad's hand. 


I sat outside my dad's ward, tired from all the crying. How am I gonna pay for all this? I barely make enough for three meals.

"Ms. Park?" A voice spoke behind me. I turned to look at the doctor. I immediately stood up and wiped the tears from my face.

"Yes?" I spoke.

"Your dad's doing good. Thankfully it wasn't a serious case, so you can take him home by tomorrow." The doctor said, "all the bruises and wounds have been cared for and you have to come every week to re-dress his wounds" 

"Yes. Thank you so much" I said, bowing at the doctor, as he left. 

I don't know if I should feel relieved or not because my dad's alright. The money is still the problem. 

I sat down at the bench again, waiting for the doctors to be done with my dad. 


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