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Park Luna

"It's finally graduation day!" I exclaimed jumping up and down while Jaehyeon just laughed at me. 

"Yes! we'll finally be able to get out of this living hell" Jaehyeon said, pumping her fist in the air.

Just then an announcement came through the speakers, "students please gather in the auditorium"


"Bae Jaehyeon, please come up next" 

"Go Jaehyeon!" I cheered for her, as everyone clapped for her. 

She went on the stage as her graduation hat bounced side to side. She bowed and the principal handed her the graduation certificate as everyone cheered for her. 

she came back skipping and took her seat next to me. 

"congrats" I whispered to her and she smiled happily.

"next up we have...Park Luna! please come up"

"Wo-hoo!" Jaehyeon cheered. 

Everyone cheered and clapped for me as I went up on the stage.

I smiled at the principal cuz why not. This was the last day I'd be seeing the old man before we part ways. Might as well be nice to him. 

"congrats," the principal said and handed me the certificate. I gave a deep bow to him turned to the audience and bowed to them as well. 

I went back to my seat, smiling widely, and the ceremony continued. 

I've finally graduated! Yes, finally out of this hell!

But now I gotta think of what to do next. Hi, hell.


"Let's partayy!" Jaehyeon cheered, and we raised our glass of apparently grape juice, cuz that's what they said it is. 

We were at a party that was NOT from the school, cuz the school is too busy counting its money and trophies. Yeah, that's the kind of school that I just graduated from. 

All they care about is how big the premises is and how much money they put into building all the facilities. They don't care about the quality of education that they provide. 

If you relate to this, then bestie get out of that school before it's too late.


The music played loud and we all jammed to it like it was the last day we'd enjoy such freedom. It kinda was true. Cuz now we gotta think of college. 

"Hey, Luna" I was snapped out of my thoughts by a male voice behind me. 

I turned to look at a guy whom I never met before. He was wearing glasses that were too big for his face and a raggy sweatshirt and some jeans. 

"Hey...?" I said, sounding confused. 

"Oh, I'm Yeonjun. You probably didn't know I existed" possibly Yeonjun said, reaching out his hand.

"Yeah, I didn't" I smiled at him and shook his hand. 

"Wanna get a drink?" Yeonjun asked me and I thought for a second. Eventually, I nodded, cuz why not?

We went to the food and drinks area of the party. I took a lime soda and Yeonjun took grape juice. 

Getting drinks with a guy whom I never met was the last thing I expected to happen. 

"What are you planning to do next?" Yeonjun asked me once we got our drinks and made our way out to get some air. 

"Well, I'm thinking about attending Seoul National University. I wanna do psychology" I explained Yeonjun. We sat on one of the benches in the garden. 

"Whoa, that's cool," he said. 

"What about you?" I asked Yeonjun.

"Well, um I've not decided, but, um, I'm kinda interested in photography, so I'll think about doing that," Yeonjun said, scratching the nape of his neck. 

I giggled, "well if that's what you're interested in then you should go for it" 

"You think so?" 

"I know so"

"Well then I'm gonna do it because Park Luna said I should," Yeonjun said dramatically and I laughed. He's kinda fun though. 

I suddenly heard my phone ring. I saw the caller ID and it was Jaehyeon.

"Hello?" I spoke.

"LUNA IT'S 9:30 PM YOU MUST GO HOME" she screamed from the other end. 

"WHAT!? oh my god! thanks for reminding me! see you tomorrow" I screamed back as I remembered my dad would KILL me for coming late. I hung up and stuffed my phone in my pocket.

"Yeonjun I must go now, thanks for spending time with me, it was fun," I said hastily and grabbed my backpack and phone, and proceeded to leave.

"Wait!" Yeonjun stopped me, "At least give me your phone number so that we can, um, y'know get in touch again" 

I chuckled at his shy behavior and took out my phone. We exchanged numbers and I said goodbye and all, and quickly left the place. 

I jogged through the street. Why did the party have to be at the far end of the street? It only made me late. 

I glanced at my watch. 9:40 pm. Shit, I must hurry. 

I saw a small ally on my left. It looked like a shortcut. Should I take it? It looked kinda dark and creepy. But I have to get home soon. 

Either way, I'm getting beaten so I decided to take the shortcut, even though I'm scared of the dark.

I could barely make things out. That's how dark it was. Why did such places have to exist anyways? 

I hate the dark. 

Suddenly I felt something cross my feet. I yelped. Wtf was that?! 

Only a rat. Phew. 

I hurried through the narrow street, half jogging, half running. I checked the time again. 9:50. I am so dead today. 

I finally saw the other end of the street and I hurried to it. There was my house, with all lights off and my dad probably was sleeping. At least I could sneak in with him knowing. 

Suddenly I felt a hand wrap around my neck. I screamed, "Hey! what the fuck!?" 

"shut up little girl," a raspy voice said. wait, why do I recognize the voice? I tried getting out of the man's hold on my neck.

But before I could defend myself, a cloth was placed on my nose.

I didn't feel anything anymore. 

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