Skys the limit

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"Sky..?" I said quietly. I looked at breckin and he had lipstick all over his lips.
  "I can't believe you." I said then started to walk away.
  "No Safire! Come back i can explain! Please!" Sky chased after me trying ti stop me from leaving.
  "Saffire will you listen to me?"
  "You kissed me then go and kiss him! You led me on and i started liking you i though we were going somewhere. I told you something and i thought you were different! But i guess your not." I started crying as i said those words because i loved her. I really did. But she apparently didn't love me...
  "Saffire im sorry-" she started but i shut the door so she couldn't say anything else. I started walking home completely not caring if Jack was there. I got home and marched to my room but surprisingly he wasn't there. I fell on my bed and cried. I thought she cared...
Its been a week and i haven't talked to anyone. I told my dad i was sick so he wouldn't let Jack come over and i let my phone die so if anyone tried to reach me they wouldn't be able to.
School starts in a month and to be honest I'm not ready. I don't want summer to end. I don't want to face the people at school. I don't want to be seen with Jack all the time. I hated him. He's just never going to change. And i cant tell anyone because he said he would hurt me. I mean...yea i told sky...but i doubt she will do anything about it. I don't expect her to talk to me again either. I mean after i blew up at her for doing what she did. Plus i told her i liked her so she probably thinks im weird now. Ugh i just don't know what to do.
"Honey! I need you to get out of bed and get ready to go somewhere nice please." My dad called from downstairs. He was probably taking his boss out for dinner because he wants a promotion. So that means he probably wants me to come along and go out with Jack too.
"Something like a dress please!" My dad called gain. I rolled my eyes and slowly got out of bed. I looked at myself then brushed my hair. After that i looked in my closet and found a red dress. I hated this thing. I wore it my grandmothers funeral because my grandpa insisted on everyone wearing bright colors. Anyway...i took my cloths off and slipped the dress over my body. I have definitely lost weight because i haven't been eating. All the meals that my dad has made for me i left at the foot of my bed, so now there are plates of food starting to smell at the foot of my bed.
After i was dressed and had all my makeup on i grabbed my phone that i charged this afternoon and decided o turn it in. On the way downstairs i was looking at my phone because in a week your notifications kind of add up. I had tons of instagram likes and messages. Most if them were from Jack. He was getting mad at me for not answering. Then there were some from breck and miles. But none from sky.
"Come on honey put it away and lets get im the car." I nodded my head and put my phone in my bag then walked to the car so i could go on a date with Jack.

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