I love you goodbye

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The sun was coming up. We had to hurry and get going but the sky was so pretty. We were a few houses away from my house but we didnt have to really worry about my dad because he doesnt get up to go to work till later. I looked at the sky and saw the clouds start to turn bright pink. I turned around and sky looked at me. She came closer and touched my cheek.
"Baby girl, its alright. You got me." She smiled then softly pulled me closer to her and kissed me. It was like no other kiss than before. She was soft. But she was strong and, and...caring. She had me by the waist and had me close against her body. I kissed her back and stroked her cheek with my thumb. I pulled away and looked at her in the eyes while i pulled the letter out of my pocket. Sky gave me some tape and i went up to my door. I looked at it and took one last look at my letter. I kissed it then taped it to my door and placed my hand on it. I looked at sky then walked away. We smiled at each other then i took her hand as we walked away.
"So, where are we going?" Skylar pecked my lips and looked at me.
"Wherever you want beautiful." I smiled and we walked away.
Jack's pov
I woke up. I guess i fell asleep on saffires couch. Since she left, and we dont know where she went, her dad let me stay because he felt bad. I had to get up for school so i sat up and started to get ready. But i stopped when i saw her dad sitting at the table crying. I got up quickly and walked over to him.
"Hey hey...w..whats up?" He looked at the piece of paper in his hand then crumpled it up.
"Nothing. You should probably leave." I nodded and grabbed my things. Her dad went upstairs as i started walking out the door but i stopped. I came back in and snuck to the trash where he threw the paper. I grabbed it and read it.
Im running away with skylar. You cant stop me so dont try. I just wanted to tell you i love you. And thank you so much for taking care of me for all the time that you have. Please tell Breckin i will miss him and Miles that im sorry for not telling him myself. Im doing this for reasons i can't explain, but all im going to say is that i have found love. I have found love where i never thought i would. With a person i never would have thought either. I know you wont be happy about this but im sorry dad. It seems like the best thing for me right now. And i just have one favor. Please dont tell jack. He cant find this letter or know about it in any way. Please thats all i ask. And take care of yourself. Find a girl who makes you as happy as mine. I love you. Goodbye.
I threw the letter down and stormed out of the house. I was furious! Just furious! How could she not love me? How? But instead of loving me she loved that, that....girl! She couldnt have said that any more clearly in the letter. I am going to find that girl, and take back what is mine. No matter what i have to do.

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