I will die trying

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Saffire's POV

After we left my house, i decided i was a little bit hungry. So before we left town, we went to a little restaurant that i love. It serves breakfast and it has the best omelets. Plus its right by a bus stop so we can just leave after were done eating.

We sat down and ordered right away.

"So." Sky said while looking at me with a strange but, captivating smile. I smiled back and looked down with a blush.

"So?" Under the table, she found my feet with hers, and tangled our legs.

"Are you ready for this beautiful?" I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes.

"Why do you always call me beautiful?" I said, still not looking at her because i was no longer smiling. She sat up straighter and looked at me differently. I was watching her from the corner of my eyes. She went from super happy to looking sort of concerned, but not too much.

"Well, you're beautiful. Thats why." I shook my head and got the courage to look up for a second. I looked her in the eyes and shook my head again before looking away. "Hey." She reached out and grabbed my hand then with her other hand, tilted my head up so i would look at her. She smiled. "Gorgeous. You...are the most beautiful girl i have ever met. Im not just saying this to say it. Im being serious. When i saw you at that party, i mean, even you saw i was checking you out. Honey, when i saw you, and when you talked to me, i fell in love. It was literally love at first sight. And i know we haven been...doing whatever were doing for very long, but i know that if i was ever to be with someone forever, i would want it to be you. I love you. I love you so much. And you need to believe that your beautiful because you are. You should never doubt yourself dear. I mean, i love you. I love you so much. And if it takes me forever to make you believe that you are beautiful, then i will die trying. Im not giving up on you beautiful." I was tearing up and squeezing her hand so i didn't start crying. That...was amazing.

"Oh my god i love you." I said as a tear fell. I was smiling and laughing because i was crying. She got up and sat next to me. She gave me a hug then kissed my cheek where the tear fell. I smiled then turned my head then pecked her on the lips. We both laughed and we were staring at each others eyes. I just wanted to look into her eyes forever. But we were interrupted by the waitress who had our food.

I scooted over more so Sky had room and the lady gave us our food. We finished pretty quickly because we were hungry. And as soon as we finished, we left. We waited at the bus station till the bus came. We got on and were on our way to the rest of our lives together.

Jack's Pov

I stormed out of the house and started to rack my brain, thinking of all the places they could be. Then i remembered. Last night before she left i got this app that i could track her with. I completely forgot about it. l ripped my phone out of my pocket and opened the app. In the matter of seconds, there was a little red dot blinking, telling me where she was. i smiled then got in my car. I started it then drove like hell to catch them.

Sky's pov

When it was time for us to switch buses, we got off and found a gas station because Saffire had to use the bathroom. I let her go while i stood outside looking at all the snack options. The bell that was at the front rang making me look up. I didn't really expect anything, so when i saw Jack walk threw the door i froze. He looked right at me and started walking towards me. I started to back up but i ran into a shelf pf chips. As soon as i couldn't back up anymore i started to run. I ran down a different isle that he was in and ran for the door, but then i remembered Saffire. I can't leave her. I started to think of my options. I was by the door and Jack was running at me so i ran out the door. I ran around back and hid behind a trashcan. My heart was pounding and i was covering my mouth to keep myself from making any noise. I heard his footsteps in the dirt coming closer to me. I was shaking. I was thinking of what i should do. Run? Stay and fight? Whatever my plan was, i had to do something before he found....me. He stepped around the trash can and looked at me. She smiled then reached out and pulled me out from behind the can. He threw me in the dirt then kicked some at my face.  I closed my eyes and coughed. I scrambled to get up but he kicked my legs then reached down and grabbed my face. H looked me in the eyes and growled.

"I don't know what you were thinking. You disgust me and should never have showed your face in this world. You don't mess with my girl, and take her away from me. She is mine got it?" He let me go then started walking away. But i stood up and called after him.

"She was never yours. She is mine and you are the one who will not take her away from me." He turned around and gave me a look that deep down scared the shit out of me. He reached behind him and pulled something out. He pointed it at me then grinned...

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