It was too late

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Sky's POV
I was frozen, staring down the barrel of a gun pointing at me. I put my hands up and started backing up slowly.
  "Stand still! Don't move!" He shouted making me flinch. I was shaking and was debating what i should do. "You see girl I don't think you know what you are saying when you say that Saffire is yours. I don't ever remember seeing you two falling in love or being a couple, so you cant just say she is yours. She was mine in the first place and im not letting some lesbian try and take her away from me. Its not right and it honestly disgusts me." My face was red with anger and i would normally attack anyone who said something like that to me but he had a gun and it probably wasn't very smart to do that. So i stood hopeless with my hands in the air, unable to say anything.
  Suddenly my phone started to ring, it was in the dirt because it probably fell put of my pocket when i was on the ground. It was Saffire. We both looked at the phone.
  "Don't you dare answer it whoever it is or i will shoot this damn gun!" He barked making his face turn red. I nodded my head and it stopped. But a fee seconds later it started ringing again.
  "Dammit who is it!" He shouted.
  "Saffire." I said cautiously. His face brightened and he smiled.
  "Answer it. And tell her to come here."  I slowly bent over and picked my phone up answering it with my shaky hands.
  "Hello? Sky where are you? Did you leave??" Her voice was panicked and she sounded on the verge of tears.
  "Hey hey love its okay im still here." I then thought to myself that i cant tell her to come back here, he will take her and i cant let him do that. I looked up and he was staring at me  intently and he looked impatient.
  "Come on! Fucking tell her to come here!" I started shaking more.
  "Saffire you need to get out of here run! Leave get out of here!" I said as quick as possible and i started to run but he caught up to me and grabbed my hair. He yanked me back and grabbed onto me holding me to his body. He had my body captured with one arm and the other arm was pointing a gun at me head. I still had my hand in my phone but i was trying to get out of his grasp.
  "Saffire, i know you can hear me! Come outside and come to the back of the gas station!" Jack shouted into my phone. I struggled more and started shouting.
  "No Saffire dont come back here! No!" But before i knew it she appeared around the corner with tears streaming down her face and a look of pure fear in her eyes. She dropped her phone as she stared at us.
  "Why hello baby." He said seductively.
"Now heres what we are going to do, you are going to come over here, im going to leave this one here and we will go back home." Jack said. I started shaking me head.
  "No Saffire leave please get out of her-" he put the gun to my back and cocked it.
  "No, thats what we are not going to do. We will either do my plan, or i am going to shoot her." Saffire put her hands over her mouth and started sobbing and shaking her head. She started walking towards us but I started kicking and screaming.
  "Stop! Dont come over here! Dont do it!" Jack grabbed my hair and yanked it making me shut up. The Saffire spoke.
  "Jack...please don't do this. We can do this a different way, nobody has to get hurt. Just pit the gun down and we will go I promise." I shook my head but she looked at me like she had a plan.
  "Sounds good." Jack said and started to loosen his grip on me.
  "But jack let her go first." He looked at her and retightened his grip. "I promise ill do anything for you, just let her come over here and you can take me." Nothing happened for a minute, then he threw me on the ground. I looked up at him and he started walking to Saffire but i would not let that happen.
  I jumped up and tackled him. I reached for the gun and tried to get it out of his hands but we were on the ground in the dirt now rolling around. I was blind and I couldn't see but i still had a grip on the gun. Then i rolled over jack and i could see, but it was too late. Jack had the gun mostly in his hands and before i knew it there was a deafening bang. Everything was still for a second and I couldn't hear of feel anything, but then suddenly an excruciating pain jolted in my ribs. I looked down and i was bleeding. I heard Saffire screaming and the sound of my heart beating was pounding in my head. I rolled over in the dirt and could feel my eyelids falling shut. I couldn't keep them open, and i could barely feel Saffires hands on my face. all went blank.
Saffire's pov
I was sitting in the waiting room pacing the floor looking up at the door every three seconds. But every time there was no nurse or doctor. I finally sat down in a chair so i could cry, but someone tapped my on the shoulder. I looked up and it was Miles and Breckin were standing there looking at me. I stood up and hugged them and let them say their 'im here for yous' and 'it will be okays'. But after that we sat in silence and waited. Finally, at 12:03 in the morning, i was just about to fall asleep when a doctor cam out and called my name. I jumped straight up and looked at him with wide eyes while i rung my hands. He looked at me and then looked at a clipboard.
  "Hello, I believe you are Saffire?" I nodded. "Well Skylar just got done with surgery but she is okay and should be awake soon. There is one visiter allowed at a time but you can go in and see her." I thanked the doctor and followed him to the room where Sky was. I walked in and saw Sky laying there, with tubes and tags attached to her. The image was heartbreaking. I walked in slowly and admired the bruises across her arms and face. She looked so broken and..lifeless. It was terrifying.
  I sat next to her bed for 5 more hours, occasionally drifting off now and then but then remembering that i want to be there when she wakes up and i would sit back up. I was dozing off around 5am when her hand twitched. I looked up and saw her eyes blink open and i stood up.
  "Skylar!" I said with joy and tears running down my face. I went to grab her hand but the machine started beeping and alarms were going off. I backed up and started yelling for a doctor. Nurses and doctors rushed in and were doing all sorts of things, but then i heard that dreadful sound and i looked up at the monitor to see a flat line rolling across the screen. I started sobbing and a nurse brought me out of the room. I watched through the window, and cried harder and harder, the longer that flat line stayed on the screen.....

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