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"Saffire?" She asked now trying to open the door.
"No sky please just go away i c-cant!" She slammed her fists on the door. "Jack will hurt m-me if i say anything so you need to go and g-get back..get b-back to class." I said in between my sobs.
"Fine...but saffire-"
"Just go!" I said then fell on the floor. I curled my legs up and hid my face and let myself cry. After a while, i calmed down and i stood up. I can do this. Ive got this. OK maybe not but just keep it together. I walked out and looked at my reflection. I looked horrible. My eyes were red and puffy and the little bit of makeup i had on from the day before was smeared.
I cleaned myself up and shrugged in the mirror. It was good enough. I smiled and walked put but was immediately embraced by a hug. I didn't realize who it was at first but after a second i could tell who. I hesitated on what to do. Should i hug sky back? Should i cry or tell her whats wring? No i dont need that. But i let my arms go around her waist and squeeze tightly. She hugged my tightly and was swaying back and forth and it was calming me down. This is amazing. I love her. I wish it could be like this all the time. After a few minutes of hugging i started to let go. She backed away and looked at me making sure to look me in the eyes but i wasn't brave enough to look at her yet.
"Are you going to tell me what's going on? Has he hurt you at all? You need to tell someone. Don't let him do this to you." She softly used her pointer finger and her middle finger to guide my chin up so she could look into my eyes. But she cringed and moved my chin to the side then carefully touched my jaw. I flinched because when she applied pressure it hurt.
"Ouch." I said moving away from her touch and attending to my bruise that jack gave me earlier that day.
"What happened? Did he do that?" She gasped making me feel sad. "Love you cant let him do that to you." She was shaking her head and she looked about to cry but she was keeping it in.
"I need to get to class. Ive skipped about half so far." I said starting to walk away but she stepped in front of me to keep me from leaving.
"What do you have? Ill walk you." She said with a worried smile. You know, its that smile that is a half smile and her eye brows are furrowed telling you she is worried but she cares. I shrugged and looked at the paper that had all my classes.
"I have english." I said then saw her face brighten up.
"I do to, thats great! We have a class together." She said with the biggest smile on her face which made me smile. "Can i see what else you have?" I handed her the paper and watched her grow happier and happier with every subject she read. "We have English together, art, psychical education, and lunch too." I smiled because i was excited. I get lunch with her and not jack. Wait... He said he was going to change his today... Maybe i can still hang out with sky. Who knows. I hope i can.
"Thats great." I said with a smile as we walked into our classroom. Everyone looked up and the teacher glared at us.
"You two ladies are 45 minutes late. You have 5 minutes of class left. I looked at skylar the to the ground ready to take my punishment because i wasnt up to fighting with the teacher right now.
"Oh sir im sorry we just were in the office getting our schedules rearranged and there was some difficulties." I looked back up and her and tried to hide my smile but it didnt work too well.
"Alright then...sit down please any seat is fine and just wait till class is over." We nodded and took a seat next to each other. When we were settled, i looked up at her and caught her eyes making her look at me.
"Thank you." I said. She smiled but made a confused face.
"What for?" I shook my head, in a good way.

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