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Class ended three minutes later and we stood up and all shuffled out of the room. Someone tapped my shoulder and i turned around to find sky looking at me. 
  "Saffire what happened?" I looking away and started walking again but she grabbed my hand and wouldn't let me leave. "Why were you crying? Please i only want to help." I sighed and came closer to her, my hand still in hers. Her touch is soft, and caring unlike jacks. He bruises me and his grip is painful. But when sky was looking at me and the way she handled me in the bathroom and even just now, she is careful. I looked at her and was about to tell her but i saw jack behind her coming down the hall. I quickly jerked my hand away from hers and i turned around and trued walking away.
  "Saffire wait please come back." She said trying to chase after me but i was running from jack and i couldn't be talking to her about this right now. Suddenly Jack caught me by the arm and stopped me from walking away, jerking me as he did so.
  "Hello baby." He said then stooped down and kissed me. He pulled away and i cringed hoping nobody saw it. "So, we have science together. Lets go." I rolled my eyes and walked with him while he pulled me to his waist. I reluctantly made my way to class with him and we sat down next to each other. We are partners in class. How great. Nothing really happened in that class except he was trying to unbutton my pants the whole time and eventually i asked to move but the teacher denied me. After that class ended and i looked at my schedule and saw i had art next. A class with sky. Thank god. Somebody who respects me..or at least cares.
"Saffire." Jack said before i went i to my classroom. "Dont be looking at anyone else." I rolled my eyes and walked in. Sky was at a table all alone. She looks so beautiful. Her hair was in her face and she was doodling in a notebook. I walked over to her and she looked up and quickly shut her notebook before i could see anything that was in there.
"Oh hi you scared me." She said laughing. I smiled and sat down beside her. "I didnt know you liked art." She said and i shrugged. I have always liked art and i guess i was ok at drawing but i never really let anybody see. Maybe thats what was in skys book.
" dad says I'm good but i really don't think so."
  "Oh I really doubt that, im sure your art is as beautiful as you are." My stomach filled with butterflies and my face turned red.
  "Yea..." I said under my breath, trying yo hide the hype in my breath.
  "So saffire.." Sky said trying to look at me but i was avoiding eye contact. "What happened. You were crying this morning and then we had to get to class then you totally ran away from me when i was trying to talk to you after english, and i just want to help you." I sighed and set the pencil i was playing with down.
  " start off i didn't run away from you after english. I was trying to hide from jack and you were holding my hand and i didn't want him to get mad and something." She touched my arm and i looked at her. Her face look worried and concerned.
  "What would he have done?" She asked slowly. I looked away quickly because my eyes were watering and i didn't want her to see. But instead of her making me look at her, she reached down and grabbed my hand that was in my lap. I accepted it and squeezed her hand as a tear fell. My lip was quivering and i was trying not to make noise so i was holding my breath. She pulled me closer to her and she hugged me, letting me burry my face in her neck and let out some cries. I wish i could have this. I want this. I need this. I need her.

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