#6 - Cell Mates

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Another 2 days have gone by and I'm still stuck in this stupid cell. Guards have come buy to give the three of us here rationed food, but because I'm oblivious to what's happening on the surface I've lost my appetite.

The King, like he said he would, kept by his word. He refuses to let me out until the Queen shows up.

And so far, she hasn't. She's sent other guards of Seoul to come and see what's happened, but according to the King himself, they were slain on the spot.

"I've been meaning to ask," My voice breaks the silence surrounding the three of us locked in our cells. "What was the reason you guys got put in here?"

Hoseok's head leans against the metal bars as he sits on the floor, thinking about his story.

"I was protesting, outside of the Daegu Palace. The King's men had raided our city and taken most of our food and resources. We were close to becoming completely poor. So a group of us went to stand up for ourselves. Instead, I got thrown in here. And I've been here for about a month."

"What happened to the other people that protested?" I wonder.

Hoseok falls silent, looking at me with a certain look I'm starting to recognise. A look of death.

Sorrow fills my mind from hearing his story. A wish to help his people recover and survive ended in failure, and loss of his people instead. My attention catches on how long he's been here.

"A whole month locked away for trying to do good to your people." I mumble, scoffing a little.

Hoseok nods with a frown.

"I've only been here a couple weeks." Seokjin's voice then sounds. "It was...kinda my fault. I tried stealing items from the markets in Daegu, to bring back home. And as you can tell, it did not go well."

Hoseok groans, shaking his head in dismay and glaring at Seokjin opposite his cell.

"One locked away for trying to take something that belongs to them, and the other locked away for trying to take something that doesn't. Quite different mindsets you both have, don't you?" I then realise.

"I guess so." Seokjin considers. "But hey, we still make a pretty good team. Right Hoseok?"

"What team? We're still stuck here and there's only two of us. Now including three, but it's still hopeless hyung." Hoseok answers back, earning a reluctant hum from Seokjin.

The King hasn't been down here since two days ago, and I have no idea if he'll come down again anytime soon.

And so I have no clue whatsoever if I'll ever get out of this cell or Daegu alive. Atleast I'll have some not-so-irritating company with me.

"Your families must be worried sick." I say, glancing at Hoseok and also aiming my words at Seokjin.

"They probably think I was killed. To be honest, it's better they think that then to know I'm alive and there's nothing they can do about it." Hoseok shrugs, not knowing what else to say.

"Yeah I'd say the same." Seokjin adds. I can see his hands hanging out of the metal bars of his cell. "What about your family Kyungmi? They'd be worried too."

My family? Now that's a phrase I don't tend to think about often.

Of course there's my sister, but she doesn't know who I really am. She looks up to a woman pretending to be me for my safety, whereas I'm just a protector. She's the only family I have left, and I'm all that she has too.

"Well, I do have a younger sister. But I
doubt she'd be worried."

"Why wouldn't she be worried that her older sister has gone missing?" Hoseok's eyebrows furrow.

My mouth opens to answer, but it slowly closes as I realise I can't answer. I can't tell them the truth.

"Family drama." I lie on the spot, lightly chuckling and fiddling with my hands in my lap.

"Well family drama or not, I can guarantee you she's worried. Have a little hope, Kyungmi." Seokjin says.

I'm trying to, Seokjin. I really am.

"Thanks Seokjin." I smile even though he can't see it. I'd like to think he's smiling too.

"My friends call me Jin, by the way." He quickly adds. "I think you're on the friendship level Kyungmi."

"Thanks, Jin." A chuckle leaves my lips.

"Awh, look at us all bonding!" Hoseok says with a grin. "I would hug you both right now if we weren't all separated and in different cells."

Jin and I let out little laughs, and Hoseok eventually does to. I'm struggling to see how we're making this situation into an enjoyable one, but I guess you have to in this situation.

Our laughter comes to an end when the door to the large room flies open. Two guards drag in a boy, who's definitely not unconscious and is trying to fight the guard's grasp.

"Let go of me!" He yells, grunting and tugging on his arms.

The guard opens the cell directly opposite mine, and throws the boy inside. He staggers to the ground, and the guards make sure to lock him up tight.

"Please don't hurt him!" The boy scrambles to his feet, clutching at the cold bars. "I'm begging you! Leave him alone!"

Ignoring the boy's pleading words, the guards exit the room and close the door shut, locking it behind them. The boy slumps to his knees, squinting his eyes shut. The silence is filled with his dry cries.

"Finally, another face!" Jin exclaims.

Probably wasn't the best time to say that, Jin.

Hoseok shoots him a glare, and then glances at me. Clearing my throat, my gaze fixes on the boy in the cell opposite mine.

"Hey." I try getting his attention.

Slowly he looks up at me. It makes my heart ache a little with how upset he is.

"They're gonna kill him, aren't they?" He sniffles.

"Who?" My head tilts.

"My brother." He wipes his cheeks stained with tears with the back of his hand. "He defended me from the guards and is now paying the price. I can't believe he'd give himself up like that."

"Well, he is your brother. What kind of brother would he be if he didn't defend you?"

"True." He tries to calm his breathing as it hitches every now and then from his crying.

"What's your name?" I then ask.

Sniffling, he looks up to meet his eyes with mine. "Jungkook."

"I'm Kyungmi. It's nice to meet you, Jungkook." I lightly smile.

"I'm Seokjin, if you were wondering." Jin adds in his own comment. "And the guy opposite my cell who you currently can't see is Hoseok."

"Yeah, hey." Hoseok says in a dull tone. "Listen Jungkook, try not to worry about your brother. I'm sure they'll bring him down here anyway."

"Yeah, maybe you're right." Jungkook gulps, lightly nodding.

"You'll see him again. I'm sure you will." I try giving him hope.

His eyes are big and filled with tears as he stares at me. He tries forming a smile, but even that is too hard to do.

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