#9 - True Self

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Hoseok's POV

"Where do you think they've taken Kyungmi?" I hear Jungkook's voice wonder in the cell next to mine.

It's been a day since Kyungmi was taken out of her cell, and so I've gone back to only staring at Seokjin's face once again.

We never found out where she was taken and we still don't, so for all we know she could've been killed. But I have a feeling she's still alive somewhere.

"No idea." I sigh. "But I don't think they'd kill her."

"Why not?" Jin wonders.

"Because if they were planning to kill her they would've done it five days ago, when she arrived in Daegu. The King wouldn't keep her alive this long just to kill her."

"True. What use could she be to him?" Jin tilts his head.

I shrug my shoulders. "Maybe he needs something from her. Like she knows something he doesn't, and he wants to know." I shrug my shoulders.

"Like what?" Jungkook asks.

Again, I have no clue. It's only a guess to what the King could want her for.

"Haven't really figured that part out yet." I reply, and I hear Jungkook respond with an 'oh'.

I just hope that wherever she is, she's safe and in no harm's way. Because I don't think the King has any intention of hurting her. And I really hope I'm not proved wrong.


Kyungmi's POV

With my hands at my side I sigh of boredom, staring up at the ceiling from lying down on the bed I've suddenly been given.

The King refused to tell me anything else yesterday, only to call him by his name, 'Taehyung', when no-one else's around.

I find it odd how he's letting me call him that because to him I'm a stranger. He has no proven reason to trust me, and I don't have any to trust him either.

My thoughts are interrupted with the door opening, footsteps welcoming themselves inside. They stop and sigh when they see me.

"See? I told you you'd appreciate the bed sooner or later." The said King's smug voice echoes around the room.

Groaning, I sit up and sit cross-legged on the bed. My face mustn't look impressed, as his head tilts in amusement.

"Why the long face bubbly?"

My teeth clench. "Your majesty, I told you my name's Kyungmi."

"And I told you my name's Taehyung. But clearly neither one of us wants to listen to one another." He simply answers with his hands behind his back.

Shaking my head, I clear my throat and sit up straight. "Anyway, why are you here?"

Clasping his hands together, he grabs the dressing table stool and slides it over to face the bed. Then he sits down, directly moving his gaze into mine.

"I told you yesterday: you need to start talking."

"About what?"

"About who you really are."

And them five words is enough to make me freeze. I try not to show the panic on my face, but I can't help it.

Surely...he doesn't know.

How could he? There's only one person alive who knows and that's Yoonhee. I doubt she'd tell the King of Daegu my real identity.

"Who I really am? What's that supposed to mean?" I question, keeping my voice steady.

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