#12 - Banished

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Now what was it that Jin said about Taehyung's relationship with his brother?

"The King is very protective over him. And I mean very protective. If anyone is to lay a finger on the boy he'll practically rip you apart."

Well, I'm dead.

The more he stares at his brother lying on the ground, the more horror inflicts his expression. Running towards him he drops down to the ground, kneeling over his body.

"Beomgyu." Taehyung breathes, shaking his shoulders. "Beomgyu, wake up! Beomgyu!"

As I watch the King call out his brothers name, he becomes more and more upset. He really does care for him, and he looks as if his whole world has just come crashing down.

My arms are suddenly pulled back by some guards and I'm stood onto my feet.

"What happened?" The King desperately asks, looking up at Yoongi and the guards. "What the hell happened?!"

"This one tried to kill the Prince." Yoongi clenches his teeth together and storms over to me.

My mouth drops open. "I did not try to kill him!"

Taehyung's eyes move into mine, and it seems like he trusts Yoongi's word more than mine (as I expected him to) and he slowly rises to his feet. I can tell his anger is rising by the second and his fists clench together, hard.

"Take him to the infirmary, now!" The King then orders the guards. They instantly pick Beomgyu's body up and rush him out of the room.

"The Prince's blood is all over your hands and you're trying to tell me you had nothing to do with it?" Yoongi clarifies, warily tilting his head in suspicion.

I'm about to say yes, but then that's not entirely true. Whoever them men are clearly want me dead and threatened the Prince as a warning. So in a way it is my fault.

"I...I didn't do it, okay? I never hurt him!" I quickly think of something to say. "It was these two men! I don't know who they were and I don't know where they went!"

That makes Yoongi even more annoyed. He noticed me hesitate and probably thinks I'm lying to him, thinks that I've made these so-called 'men' up. He steps closer towards me as his anger peaks.

"Don't, Yoongi." The King's voice makes Yoongi reluctantly stop in his tracks, and turn around questioningly.

"She's mine." As the King strides over to me his eyes suddenly turn dark.

Then the strong grip of his hand grabs onto my upper arm, forcefully pulling me away from Yoongi and the guards. He takes me back out of the room and into the hallway.

Then, he suddenly grasps onto my neck and harshly slams me into the wall. His grip isn't exactly light and I find that I can't breathe properly.

"I give you a room to stay in, a bed to sleep on, a dress to wear and this...this is how you repay me? By trying to kill my brother?!" He hisses, stepping closer so our faces are inches apart.

My mouth gapes open and I try gasping for breath, struggling to breathe and speak. My hands slam against his hand holding my neck, trying to push it off so I can breathe again.

When the King notices the blood on my hands now on his own, it makes him more angry. His eyes flicker back into mine, full of rage.

"I-I swear...I didn't d-do it!" I choke out, dryly gasping for breath and trying desperately to loosen his grip on my neck.

Cursing under his breath, his eyes don't dare to leave mine as he watches me struggle to stay alive.

Just as I feel my eyes getting heavy he suddenly let's go. I collapse on the ground, coughing and letting in a deep gulp of air into my lungs.

The King then grabs hold of me once again, forcing my to my feet and slamming me harder into the wall by my shoulders.

"Then why are you here? How did you get out?"

"He left the door open!"

"He would never leave the door open. He knows you're a prisoner! There's a blood trail leading all the way here from your room. My brother's blood is all over your hands and you were coincidentally the last person to see him after he gave you that food."

"You knew he came into my room?" My eyebrows furrow.

"I saw him preparing it and knew it was for you. And you saw your chance the moment he walked into the room, didn't you?" He challenges me, his voice dropping deeper than it already is.

"I'm telling the truth! I saw that trail of blood just as you did and I followed it all the way down here. Beomgyu was lying on the ground with blood around him and there was two men there and-"

"What men?" He cuts me off.

"I don't know. I've never seen them before." I answer, still cautious of how close he still is to my face as he interrogates me.

"You hate me, Kyungmi. So doing this to my brother is expected. And from what we all saw it's pretty obvious that it was you." Letting out a chuckle, it sounds like he's forcing himself to do so.

"I'm telling you I never hurt the Prince!" I carry on defending myself.

Any form of trust he had in me before is long gone now. His sarcastic self that I knew earlier and yesterday has been buried by this person stood in front of me now.

But I dont blame him. Because to him, I'm the person that hurt the most important and most loved person in his life. The person who he swore to protect since he is all Beomgyu has left.

"Well guess what?" He whispers, leaning closer towards my ear. "I don't believe you."

Oh crap.

Before I can speak another word he once again tightly grabs my forearm and yanks me further down the hall. No matter how much I resist and try freeing my arm from his large hand, it doesn't budge one bit.

I become confused as to where he's taking me because he completely went past the stairs which lead to the room I've been placed in. He also goes past the area where the cells are.

The next thing I know we're at the front door and the guards standing there open it for us approaching. The King doesn't stop walking and dragging me with him, and we both exit the doors.

The coldness of the evening air hits my body and goosebumps instantly spread down it. It feels like forever since I last went outside.

The King approaches the main gate, and once again it opens automatically for him approaching.

And as soon as it does he throws me in front of him, making me stagger and come crashing to the ground.

Panting, I puff the strands of hair out my face and glare up at him standing before me. I can feel my knees becoming sore since I hit them hard on the floor.

"Go. Leave." Nodding his head upwards and towards the town, his jaw clenches.

"You're letting me go?"

He crouches down to my level and with his finger he traces it around the side of my face, also moving the strands of hair out my eyesight.

"You can get safely back to Seoul and to your precious Queen only if you come out alive. Because as soon as you step into that town behind you, you're dead. My people aren't exactly friendly to others, especially people from Seoul."

My mouth gapes open at the thought. He's leaving me with his little devil children.

"Now get out of my sight." He harshly hisses. "And if you even think of setting foot back into Daegu, I'll kill you myself."

The King then stands to his feet, not sparing me another glance and strongly walking back through the gates, leaving me sat on ground getting colder by the second.

Royalty Above All - Kim Taehyung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now