#15 - The Swap

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Kyungmi's POV

"Can you repeat that...like all again please?" The confused voice belonging to the King's protector asks, again.

I am this close to losing my patience.

"Yoongi this is the third time now!" I groan, rubbing my face with my hands.

"I know I know, it's just a lot to take in." He attempts to defend himself.

After I gave in and told him I'll tell him everything, we took a stroll through the town and the markets in Daegu.

At first I thought it was a terrible idea to tell Yoongi of who I am. But then I realised no-one that I trust knows who I am.

Yoonhee has told people about me that I didn't even know existed. I thought I could trust her but she's killed that trust with her betrayal.

And so if anyone is going to know, it might as well be Yoongi. Because I feel like I won't be going back to Seoul for a while. And because at this rate I trust him more than I trust my 'protector'.

Protector my ass.

"My parents were the King and Queen of Seoul. Their eldest daughter, me, was put into hiding for protective reasons. And this element of hiding involved a replacement for me. Someone to pretend to be me." I try explaining a third time.

"So a faux Queen?" Yoongi clarifies.

I nod. "And so I was switched with Yoonhee as a baby. We grew up together in the palace, but in completely different worlds. She grew up as a Princess, soon to be a Queen. And I grew up as her protector."

Yoongi stays quiet whilst listening. He is right: it is a lot to take in, so in all honesty I don't blame him for wanting me to repeat everything.

For someone you thought you kinda knew to turn around and say they're a Queen is probably impossible to believe.

"Yoonhee is my protector, not the other way round. I'm only pretending to be hers so then she knows where I am all the time to know that I'm safe."

Yoongi's head tilts. "So how did you find out you were the King and Queen's daughter if you were switched as a baby?"

"I found out when I was a child, about 4 or 5 years old. The King and Queen took myself and Yoonhee to explain things to us. My mother also explained the necklace I'm wearing pairs with my sister's."

"Right, your sister's the Princess." He mumbles and nods. "She has a matching necklace to you?"

I nod, taking out the said necklace tucked underneath my clothing around my neck and into my palm. "Mine is a crescent moon, and hers is a sun. They join when close together, like magnets."

Yoongi stares down at the moon, running his eyes over the smallest of details and nods in approval.

"My mother did this to represent her daughters, and that even though we aren't together we're still connected through the necklaces."

Tilting his head, Yoongi slightly nods and folds his arms across his chest. "So this is all why that guy kneeled in front of you? He recognised you?"

"I didn't think anyone else knew about me except Yoonhee, but clearly I was wrong." I huff, kicking at some stones on the ground as we walk.

"So she sent two hitmen after you to kill you." Yoongi sums up. "And they did that by trying to frame you for harming the Prince."

Sighing, I nod again. "She must've thought you'd kill me as a punishment."

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