#26 - Three Against Ten

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~The next day~

"I understand how angry you are right now: your own protector is trying to kill you. But I didn't think you were serious when you said you wanted to 'rip her head off'. I thought that was hypothetical!" The slightly concerned and panicked voice of the King's protector sounds in front of me.

With my arms folded and sunlight bursting through the clouds, I can't help but notice Yoongi looking a little...scared.

Of me.

And it's hilarious.

I have never seen him this shaken up every since I got here. The cold exterior of the man is no match for my change in attitude.

Raising an eyebrow, I simply shake my head. "Nope, not hypothetical. I'm very serious. In fact, I don't think I've ever been this serious about killing someone."

Yoongi blinks, staring at me in astonishment. Squeezing his eyes shut and sighing drastically, he places both hands on his hips. "You realise you can't do that, don't you?"

Rolling my eyes, I nod. "Sadly. I should be though, just to be clear."

Nervously chuckling, he also nods. "Okay good. Because this plan of yours to kill your protector doesn't seem like it'll work."

"Why not?" I instantly ask.

He's taken aback by my sudden answer and clears his throat. "Well for starters, you don't have the upper hand here. She does. Her men won't let you anywhere near Seoul, let alone the palace itself."

Groaning, I push myself off the wall and walk past Yoongi further into the garden. The aura outside is beautiful - vast, lushious green spaces with hints of vibrant colours from different plants, the running stream through the middle with the gentle trickle sound of the fresh water. I've always loved that sound.

"But it's my palace!" I whine, swatting my hand lightly at the leaves of a passing tree.

"Not to them it's not." Chuckling in amusement, Yoongi catches up to me.

"I don't care what they think; I am getting her ass off of my throne even if it kills me." I conclude, teeth clenching at the thought of Yoonhee's cat-like grin and smug expression.

Sighing, Yoongi gives up trying to talk me out of this. He knows it's no use - I won't listen to him and he's finally realised that.

The appearance of the Daegu King comes into our vision in front of us, walking closer and closer when he recognises us.

"Ah, you're both here. Good." Nodding in approval, Taehyung approaches us with an intent of telling us something important.

"What is it?" Yoongi asks.

"We're going out." Taehyung replies to him.

My head tilts in curiousity. "Where are you going?"

When Taehyung's eyes meet mine, I know something is up. And it's not a suspicious look; it's a 'please don't kill me' look.

"We are going to Incheon."


"Incheon? Why Incheon?" Yoongi instantly questions.

"I have business I need to sort out with the Queen. Because of this whole situation with the Seoul Queen, she wants a word about alliances if necessary for future occurances."

"And why do I have to tag along?" I raise an eyebrow.

Sighing, Taehyung turns to me again. "Because I need to keep an eye on you incase you do something stupid. And I can't do it when I'm in another city now can I?"

Royalty Above All - Kim Taehyung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now