#33 - All I Gave You Is Gone

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TW: self-harm《

Kyungmi's POV

A couple days have come and gone since I got thrown in here. I haven't seen Yoonhee at all and I don't want to. She's sent her pathetic men down here to give me the littlest amount of food and water, which makes it seem like she has a heart.

But you'd be foolish to fall for her manipulation, her tricks she loves to perform.

I've been forced to think about everything that has happened. Beomgyu's death was the worst one to replay in my mind.

I have no idea where Namjoon has ended up. Or Ayeong. Or Taehyung and Yoongi. I need them all to be okay by the time I get out of here. If I get out of here.

"You look terrible." The wretched woman's voice brings me out of my thoughts as she comes into view. I didn't even hear the dungeon door open. Her smug face looks down at me slumped on the ground against the far wall.

"Well look who finally decided to show up. I take it you have nothing useful to say and have just come down here to spite me?" I mumble, glaring into her eyes as I rise to my feet.

"You know me so well," she annoyingly laughs. "But clearly not enough, as a matter of fact I do have something 'useful' to say that you're going to want to listen to."

My eyes roll and arms fold across each other, leaning my back onto the cold wall waiting for her to finish talking.

"I sent a few of my people to Daegu to report to the King yesterday. They had a lot to say to him which unfortunately doesn't seem to benefit you."

My head leans up in interest after hearing the King. However the thought of her men travelling to Daegu brings me worry.

"They told him to blame his brother's death on the Queen of Seoul, and the Queen of Seoul alone. No-one else, not even her protector." She says, casually examining her nails.

My eyebrows furrow. "Doesn't that benefit me? All you've done is set yourself up; I don't know if you remembered but they all think I'm your protector."

"For now." She innocently speaks.

I scoff under my breath, examining her forced posture as a royal. "You know, for someone who life goal is to pretend to be a Queen you're not exactly the brightest, are you?"

"Don't worry your majesty, all will be revealed soon." Her voice becomes harsher, a mocking smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.

Surely Yoongi knows that it was Yoonhee's actions that caused Beomgyu's death and not me. He knows me well enough to know that I'd never plan something like this, ever.

"I wonder what King Taehyung's reaction would be if he found out you're the Queen that was responsible for his brother's death." Yoonhee peskily sighs in thought, tilting her head in curiosity.

My eyes narrow at her leading words. "You're stalling. What did you really come down here for Yoonhee? Cut the crap."

"Why? Don't wanna let yourself think of the possibility of the King finding out?" She fires back.

"I don't care what he thinks." Yes I do.

Yoonhee sneers, shaking her head at the lie she knows I've tried to sell as the truth.

"Just tell me why you're here! Where's Namjoon and Ayeong? Why haven't you locked them up?"

Yoonhee's presses her lips together with a grin, eyes darting to the ground and hands clasped behind her back. "Because they're not coming down here, Kyungmi. Well, one of them definitely isn't. Haven't decided with the other one yet."

Royalty Above All - Kim Taehyung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now