#19 - Glide In Water

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"You know, I'm quite sad you won't be able to dance with me tomorrow. We'd make a pretty good team." With his hands leaning back behind him, he breathes a breath out whilst gazing up at the sky.

After we finished our little rehearsal dance, the two of us thought we'd get some fresh air and sit on top of the roof of the palace where there's a balcony to dangle your legs off of it.

The sky is becoming darker as the sun goes in, yet clouds completely cover it.

"You'll have to pair up with someone who dances just a little better than me. I can imagine that being difficult." I chuckle a little, bringing my knees up to my chest as he dangles his legs off the edge.

"Oh believe me, it will be." He whispers with a wink making my eyes roll and settle back onto the scene in front of us.

"Where'd you learn how to dance anyway?" I wonder, then laugh a little. "Did Yoongi teach you by any chance?"

Chuckling, he keeps his smile and carrys on staring up at the sky, shaking his head in denial.

"My mother did."

My smile slowly fades. Slowly lowering my legs to also dangle off the edge, I continue watching him stare up into the clouds. His expression grows to be quite fond of what lies behind them.

"She'd dance with me every evening, and my father would play the piano whilst we danced. He'd always say she was doing the steps wrong but she didn't care. As long as I was having fun, that's all that mattered."

Nodding, my eyes settle in my lap with a small smile. "Sounds like she was a pretty good teacher."

"Yeah, she was." Taehyung nods at the thought of her, slightly frowning too.

Clearing his throat he then sits up straight. "What about you then? Where'd you learn? Did your mother teach you too?"

I also shake my head.

"Why not?"

"Because I was never around her. At times it felt as if I was never her daughter at all. And then, she passed away."

Now it's his turn to become silent. It makes me laugh a little.

"Looks like we have that in common." He points out, tilting his head at the sky. "No mothers."

"Or fathers." I add, and he turns to me in surprise, then nodding and looking away.

"But it was my friend that taught me how to dance." I continue talking. "He's pretty good at it, and so when he found out I had no clue how to he decided to teach me."

Namjoon is who I'm referring to. He was quite surprised I had no idea how to dance, and didn't hesitate to fix that. It's another factor that made us become such good and close friends.

Raising an eyebrow, the King's jaw tilts. "He?"

"Yes, he." I shake my head slightly at his reaction. "He's my best friend. He's also in the Queen's army and...most likely thinks I'm dead too."

I frown at that thought. Namjoon has no idea what's happened, and I told him I'd be back by nightfall. That was days ago.

"What else don't I know about you?" Taehyung questions, turning his head over his shoulder to look at me.

Breathing in through my nose, I think to myself. "I have a sister who's around the same age as Beomgyu."

Taehyung let's out an 'ah'. "Reckon they'd get along?"

I shrug, considering the thought. "I'm not sure."

Another downfall of this secret: I don't know alot about Ayeong. I'm barely around her and so I never get the chance to speak to her. Yes I look out for her, but it's not enough.

"Anything else?" He wonders.

Oh yeah, I'm also the Queen of Seoul.

"I...like dandelions." Oh God that was so random. It's true, but random.

"Dandelions, huh?" Raising an eyebrow he nods faintly. "I'm assuming you like to wish for things then."

"It's the only chance I have to wish for a normal life. You know, without all of these...complicalities."

"Understandable." Taehyung replies, and it sounds as if he isn't going to question it because it sounds personal.

We catch each other's eyesight, and a little smile forms on both of our lips. It's a genuine one, and not the annoying smirk he's done before.

A loud burst of lightning then ruptures in the sky making me flinch and yelp. Then the wetness of the rain begins to pour down, hitting the ground at a fast pace.

"For God's sake!" I groan, covering my face with my arms and struggling to stand to my feet.

"Come on, get up." The King then says, leaping to his feet.

He extends his hands out and I connect them with mine, and he pulls me to my feet. I'm about to run towards the door but his hand doesn't let go of my own. It stays firmly connected.

"What are you doing?" I shout over the loud bullets of water hitting the surface.

Letting out a laugh he ignores my question and instead yanks me closer to him. "We are rehearsing!"

I blink and my mouth drops open. "Here? Now?"

He shrugs as the droplets dribble down his face. "Why not? I know you now to dance with you, properly."

My face scrunches up. "You barely know anything!"

"But for now I know enough. We won't be able to dance together tomorrow so we have to make the most of it!"

Shaking my head I try to escape by slowly backing away, however he keeps taking steps forwards.

"No, I'm not doing this: it's raining and it's cold!" I carry on protesting, indicating with my hands to the weather around us us.

A smile breaks out onto Taehyung's lip, raking his now damp hair backwards out of his hair with both hands as he looks up at the sky.

"So what?" Taehyung says inbetween his laughter, his gaze level with my eyesight. "You haven't lived if you haven't danced in the rain atleast once!"

"Well it looks like I haven't lived!" I say sarcastically, about to walk away but Taehyung grabs my arm and reels me back in.

"Just shut up and dance with me will you?" He says in amusement, his lips parted and head tilted.

My mouth gapes open with my eyebrows furrowed, the rain making my hair become damp. I shudder against the cold, as I'm only wearing a dress.

Grabbing my hands with his he pulls me towards him, instantly twirling me around in the rain. Our dance speed is faster compared to earlier on, and it turns out to be alot more fun.

I guess this isn't so bad.

I let out a laugh as we dance around the entire roof like he said we'd do, not caring about the droplets of water showing around and onto us.

Holding me to his hip he lifts me up, holding my hand with his, and I twirl around him in the air. He pushes me out with our hands still connected, and then pulls me back towards him whilst spinning me.  

When I reach him again he swiftly dips me, grabbing hold of and lifting my leg pressed against his body.

Woah...we did not rehearse this.

My gaze is to the dark clouds hovering above us, closing my eyes and feeling the droplets of water hit my now warm skin.

They re-open and I slowly lean back up. He also leans back to allow me to lift myself up, and when we're level with one another we just stop altogether, holding eye contact.

The thunder and lighting bursts again which makes me flinch a little. A smirk tugs the corner of his open mouth and he let's out a chuckle.

Clearing my throat I swallow the saliva in my mouth, blinking and looking down. He does the same, and eventually we break apart.

Looking around, the rain and clouds show no signs of clearing anytime soon.

"Now we can go inside." Taehyung says, satisfied with our 'rehersal'.

Royalty Above All - Kim Taehyung ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now