#2 - Arrogant King

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Author's POV

As he approaches the throne, he instantly drops down on one knee. Lowering his head towards the ground, he honours the man sat on the throne before him.

After his journey back from Seoul, he has a feeling the news he brings won't please him.

"My King," he slowly rises to his feet, bringing his hands behind his back. "We have word from the Queen."

His words have caught the King's attention. Leaning forwards in his chair, he tilts his head for the guard to continue. One elbow rests on his knee, hands draped across his lips. His other forearm sits on his other knee, and his eyebrow slowly lifts in interest.

"You gonna continue standing there looking stupid?" He calmly insults, staring at the man stood a few feet away from him. "Tell me what she said."

"She is sending one of her people here to settle the deal. In other words, she is yet again avoiding you, your majesty." Clearing his throat, you can tell the man has slightly lost focus from the King's words.

Clenching his fist, his eyes begin to glare harder at the man. The Queen has been stalling, as he likes to put it. Says that she's a coward, and if she was a real Queen she would've confronted him years ago.

"She's sending a pathetic replacement?"

Gulping, the man nods.

"She may as well have sent no-one at all!" He exclaims. "If she's too cowardly to send herself of course it's okay to send someone else at risk. As long as it's not her everything is right in the world." The sarcasm only increases in his tone of voice.

"Some Queen she is. Ordering some random person to take her place. Does she even step out of the palace?" Another man stood next to the King, his protector, sniggers and steps forward with his hands crossed around his chest.

"Who did she send, may I ask?" Hopping down the steps, the protector amusingly faces the guard.

"A woman," the guard immediately answers. "It seems as if she plays the same roll as you do - a protector, to the Queen. She volunteered to travel to Daegu and reason with the King, about the deal put in place."

"And she couldn't do that herself." The protector scoffs, placing his hands on his hips. "What kind of pathetic Queen is she?"

"Enough, Yoongi." The King raises his hand in a silencing manner.

Yoongi huffs slightly, before obeying his command and trudging back to his position beside the throne. Turning around, his arms once again fold across his broad chest and eyes settle on the guard.

"The Queen clearly has gone against my wishes. We'll see what woman exactly she decides to bring, and if she's worthy of living another day. When will she be arriving?"

"Tomorrow, your majesty."

"We'll have to give her such a warm welcome then, won't we?" The King sighs in amusement.

Yoongi and the guard can sense the sarcasm dripping off his words. By a 'warm welcome' they both know that he means a brutal welcome. That's how he handles most people from Seoul who aren't who he wants to see - the Queen.

And when he doesn't get what he wants, hell breaks lose.

"In the meantime, why don't we stir a little fun between the other Kingdoms?" The King then suggests, rubbing his hands together. "Send word to the Queen of Incheon that I plan on making a move on her city if she doesn't give me what I want."

Yoongi snaps his head towards the King in a questioning manner. However he doesn't verbally question him, just looks back at the guard and orders him to do it.

"Your majesty, we cannot! It'll cause the Kingdom of Incheon to start a war we do not want!" The guard's eyes widen.

"Are you defying me?" Leaning forwards in his chair, the King's eyes narrow.

"Forgive me, your majesty. I shall do as you please." Gulping, the man drops down onto his knees and holds his hands together in a pleasing manner.

"Good. Now go do as you're told." The King smiles in satisfaction.

Bowing his head, the guard scrambles to his feet and scurries out of the hall in an instant, desperate to get away from the King's threatening glares.

"Your majesty, do you realise what you've just caused? Rumours are already spreading around that the Daegu King is planning to bring destruction towards other Kingdoms. By doing this, you're proving them right." Yoongi scoffs, watching the guard run away.

"So what if I am?" The King shamelessly replies. "I'm the King, and I can do what I want. Anyone who tries to stop me would be making a grand and quite embarassing mistake."

"Yes, I can see that." Yoongi says through gritted teeth. "Just...think wisely with your actions. You don't want to start something you'll regret in the future."

"I won't." The King strongly answers back. "In the meantime, find out everything you can about this...replacement the Seoul Queen has sent to my Kingdom instead of her pathetic self."

With a sigh, Yoongi nods in agreement and bows his head, then walks out of the room at the side.

Rubbing his forehead, the King slouches back in his chair. He knows quite well the title he's been given by other Kingdoms in South Korea.

'The reckless Daegu King.'

'The lunatic King of Daegu.'

'The most selfish King to have ever lived in Daegu, and South Korea alone.'

The truth is, he doesn't want them titles.

He wants a title that makes the people of Daegu look up to him, to know that he, as their King, will do anything to protect them. He wants to rule a city with no negative comments made behind his back.

However if he tries to show any affection, or any care about anyone, they would choose to assume it's all a lie. That his sweet words are simply a trick to fool them.

And since he cannot convince them otherwise, why not just go along with it? Make everyone think that the King of Daegu is indeed crazy?

'Since the people think these accusations of myself,' He thought to himself one night. 'Why not make them right?'

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